Florence Food Share seeking Hundreds Against Hunger…
Florence Food Share held an open house and food drive Saturday. The intention was to fill the shelves at the emergency food box pantry that serves as many as 600 area households each month. Food Share board chair Vicki Sieber-Benson says in addition to nearly empty shelves, they’re seeking cash donations to help supply food and pay overhead.
Vicki Sieber-Benson — “We have recently launched a new program that we call hundreds against hunger. And, in that program we’re asking people to pledge at least a hundred dollars, more if you can afford it, and that can be done either as a one time donation or as an electronic funds transfer.”
Sieber-Benson says the organization has a very low overhead requirement… they have no debt and operate with a very strong volunteer base. But, she adds, they are looking at some upcoming maintenance expenses that will likely be quite expensive.
Lawmakers Share Statesman of the Year Award
Two Oregon lawmakers were honored late last month by the Oregon Business Association as the 2011 Statesmen of the Year. House Co-Speakers Bruce Hanna, a Republican from Roseburg, and Arnie Roblan, a Democrat from Coos Bay were honored because of their “achievements for public service, consensus building, and forging collaborative solutions to critical issues facing Oregon” according to a statement released by the association. The two shared leadership roles in this year’s legislative session with an even 30-30 split between Rs and Ds in the House.
Veteran’s Day Parade Seeking entries
The Theme will be “Saluting Our Troops on Veterans Day” when the annual Veteran’s Day Parade hits the street at one pm on November 11th. Parade chair Tim Sapp says the parade will once again stage on Quince Street in front of the Florence Events Center and head down the hill through Old Town Florence before ending just past the Veteran’s Memorial Park on Bay Street. Sapp says all entries must have a veterans theme or greeting. Entry information can be picked up at Coast Radio, TR Hunter Real Estate of the Chamber Visitor Center.
Body found on beach in Lincoln County
Oregon State Police are investigating the death of a woman whose body was found near Newport. Authorities say there is no evidence suggesting the death is associated with a crime. The body of the adult Asian woman was found just north of Spencer Creek Bridge at Beverly Beach State Park. There was no ID on the body and it’s believed her body had been in the ocean for a few days.