Local entertainers believe they can make a difference.
A talented group of residents will take the stage tonight at Three Rivers Casino and Hotel for a fundraiser concert aimed at raising money for Trevor Denning and his family.
The Florence teen was severely injured in June, suffering a spinal injury that left him paralyzed. Marty Adams says the family is still facing considerable expenses. He’s hoping tonight’s “Believe” benefit will help out.
In addition to Clawson there will be several finalists from the casino’s Awesome Idol competition, and a children’s group headed by Melanie Heard.
The show starts at seven. Tickets are available at the door.
Tribes considering Curry County timberland
The Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians have shown an interest in obtaining ten-thousand acres of timberland in Curry County. Tribal representatives recently approached the Curry County Commission, seeking support in taking over the federal land. Tribal restoration in 1984 did not include any lands that would generate revenue. They’ve been seeking land on the Siuslaw National Forest for several years. The latest proposal could provide a financial benefit to cash-strapped Curry County.
Another Shark vs. Surfer
A surfer says a shark took a bite out of his surfboard Thursday afternoon off Newport. KGW reports (http://bit.ly/nh08Nd) Bobby Gumm took his board to Ocean Pulse Surboards in Newport and showed employees how a large piece was bitten off. He was not injured. On Oct. 10 a surfer at Seaside said he was knocked off his board by a great white shark and landed on the back of the shark for a few seconds as it swam off.
SOS at 25
Siuslaw Outreach Services is celebrating 25-years of service to the community. S.O.S. began life in 1986 as the Siuslaw Area Women’s Center, but over the years has adapted to provide services to men and women. They’re observing Domestic Violence Awareness Month with two more gatherings next week. Wednesday night at the Florence Events Center will be a wine reception and dramatic reading of “A Common Thread”, stories of surviving domestic violence. Then Sunday, October 30th will be a community march through Old Town against violence.
Siuslaw Athletic Boosters Move Your Bones
Get up and shake your bones tomorrow morning. The Siuslaw Athletic Boosters will be hosting their annual “Move Your Bones” fun run starting and ending at the airport. There’ll be a special 6-and-under run for kids at nine, along with an “all comers” half-mile run at 9:10. Then at 9:30 will be the 5-K. Adults are $15, kids $5. Organizers say the event is strictly for fun and there will be no timer. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume.