Coastal Abundance on display…
Delicate mushrooms, sweet berries, savory seafood and delectable game. That’s how we view it now, but more than a century ago those were the staples for the indigenous people who inhabited the Oregon Coast. That abundance will be on display Friday evening during the third annual “Taste of Native America” at Three Rivers Casino and Hotel. Chefs representing four Oregon Tribal organizations will compete during a private afternoon session.
Each team will create a selection of dishes including an appetizer, entrée, and soup or dessert for judging. Then, beginning at five that evening, the doors open to the public and tribal chefs will demonstrate both traditional dishes and special Native American samples using coastal ingredients. Local wineries and breweries will also be offering tasting. Culinary teams from the Warm Springs Kah-Nee-Ta Resort in Central Oregon will be there, along with the Siletz operated Chinook Winds in Lincoln City; the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde and Spirit Mountain Casino; as well as the host organization: the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians and Three Rivers Casino.
The doors open at four pm, the entry fee is two cans of food or a $5 donation to Florence Food Share.
McKeown announces plans to seek Oregon House seat
A Coos County native is the first person to announce intentions to seek the Oregon House District Nine post currently occupied by Arnie Roblan when it comes up for election next year. Caddy McKeown has been active in Coos County. She was appointed by Governor Kulongoski to the board of the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay six years ago. She worked to help restore rail service to the south and central coast in that position, as well as lobbied to deepen the Port of Coos Bay shipping channel.
She spent a dozen years on the Coos Bay School Board and helped launch the Aspire program in that community, helping high school students obtain funding and access to college. McKeown has gained the endorsement of both previous occupants of the House District Nine position, Arnie Roblan and Joanne Verger.
Studded Tires Legal for the Season
It’s November First and that means it’s legal to run with studded tires in Oregon. State law allows drivers to use studded tires between now and March 31st. But, just because they’re allowed doesn’t mean transportation officials have to like them. Oregon spends more than $11-million each year fixing roads and bridges damaged by studs. Research shows studded tires can be more effective than all-weather tires on icy roads, but less effective in most other conditions.
Our Town talks Homelessness
Nobody really knows how many homeless people there are in the Florence area. By their very nature they’re very difficult to keep track of. But, says Siuslaw Outreach Services Director Bettie Edgerton there are many out there. There’s really no way to count them, she says. When the weather turns colder and wetter, it puts many of them in a perilous position. There are several groups that have come together to provide services and assistance to the homeless population. Edgerton, along with Pat and Glen Stewart from the Helping Hands Coalition will talk about those efforts during the next edition of KCST’s Our Town, four to six pm Wednesday.