Florence area remembers those who have served.
Good weather and a crowd were in abundance Friday afternoon for the annual Veterans Day Parade in Florence. People lined the streets in Old Town as the entries made their way to a ‘warming tent’ set up across the street from the Veteran’s Memorial Park at the foot of Kingwood Street. Grand Marshals for the parade were parents and grandparents Raymond Hill II and Bryce Scott. Hill was killed in Iraq six years ago; Scott died in Afghanistan earlier this year. Friday afternoon’s parade followed a memorial observance at the Florence Elks Lodge at 11 AM that day.
Legislature makes a change that could impact enrollment
A new law that goes into effect next year could have an impact on schools struggling to maintain enrollment. It gives students and their parents more flexibility in transferring to other schools. School districts in the state have until March 1st to decide whether or not to approve a blanket policy regulating transfers from one district to another. Under current rules the transfers are done on a case-by-case basis. School administrators have expressed concern that the new law could create staffing issues if a large number of students decide to transfer.
Property Tax Payments Due
As if you needed a reminder… Property tax payments are due tomorrow. 172-thousand statements were mailed out to property owners in Lane County in late October. Payments can be made in full or, the first of up to three installments must be made by midnight tomorrow. Lane County Assessor Annette Spickard says if you use the mail, the payment must be postmarked by November 15th. Drop boxes are available at several locations around the county including in front of the Florence Justice Center just off Ninth Street.
Boys and Girls Club Fund Raisers
The Boys and Girls Club wrapped up one of their fund raisers last night at Roby’s Furniture where they hosted a Hawaiian Barbecue and Sushi demonstration. Tickets are now on sale for the club’s annual family oriented Civil War Tailgate Party to be held at Siuslaw Middle School, Tuesday November 22nd. Tickets are $5 per person, or a family pass is available for $20. The Boys and Girls Club of Western Lane County serves more than 500 area youth each year with athletic programs, after school activities and academic assistance.