A lot of space on the shelves at Florence Food Share
Karen Lyn says she thinks people are feeling a little more secure when it comes to food in the cupboard. But, she says, there is still a very real need in the Florence area.
Karen Lyn – “We’re still serving between 575 and 600 households every month. And that’s a good 1,700 individuals who need to eat regularly.”
Lyn, the director of Florence Food Share, says the community generosity is always overwhelming, especially during the Christmas Season.
Karen Lyn – “We can live on what we get in December for a few months, but then it starts to go down, so we need to build it back up.”
But here it is April, and there are a lot of empty spaces on the shelves. That’s why she’s excited to have teamed up with Eugene television station KVAL and Les Schwab Tires for the annual “Can-Do” food drive. Lyn said through April 18th the station will be promoting the drive and Florence Les Schwab will be collecting the food.
Karen Lyn – “It comes to Florence Food Share and we distribute it.”
She says they are in particular need of soups and chili and peanut butter… but they “love all donations”. Donations can be dropped off at the tire store Monday through Saturday during regular business hours.
City Yard Debris Drop Off Program
Florence City Councilors will hear a recommendation this evening to continue the monthly yard debris dropoff program. Councilors expressed concerns last month about whether or not the program was cost effective. In a report that will be delivered this evening, City Manager Jacque Betz points out that the program was originally started after the city instituted a ban on outdoor burning of yard debris.
Initially the dropoff was free and limited to only residents inside the city limits. It was expanded to all-comers two years ago when the $5 per load charge was instituted. Betz said the average annual cost has actually gone down since that time. The Florence City Council meets at seven this evening at City Hall.
Reward Offered for Miller Park Vandalism
The City of Florence has also teamed up with Siuslaw Stop Crime for a combined $500 reward being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for recent vandalism at Miller Park. Restrooms at the park are currently closed, and will be indefinitely, after they sustained more than $3-thousand in damage March 19th.
Co-Speakers Town Hall Meetings
Two Town Hall Meetings will be co-hosted by Oregon’s Co-Speakers of the House to recap the recently completed legislative session. Republican Bruce Hanna from Roseburg and Democrat Arnie Roblan of Coos Bay will host a meeting in Elkton from ten to 11:30 AM on Saturday, April 14th. Then, later that same afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 they’ll be in Florence at Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue. The Florence Town Hall will be moderated by retiring State Representative Jean Cowan of Newport.