Memorial Day Observances Set…
Two observances of Memorial Day in Florence will give residents a chance to remember those who have lost their lives in service to our country. First at 11 AM Monday morning, the Frances M. Yost American Legion Post-59 will be hosting a memorial service at Veteran’s Park on Bay Street. Memorial wreathes will be laid on the river by the Coast Guard at the end of the ceremony. Anyone can bring a wreath for that purpose, they must be biodegradable and will be received at the park between 10:30 and 11.
At one that afternoon the Oregon Coast Military Heritage Museum will be providing a preview of their “Freedom Remembrance Wall” and the museum itself that is under construction on Kingwood Street near the airport entrance. Florence Mayor Phil Brubaker will speak, along with several other community members.
Furlough Day
Many state employees have an unpaid day off today to start the long holiday weekend. Non-essential state offices such as the DMV are closed today for a legislative ordered furlough day to reduce costs.
Oregon Coast Economic Summit
The theme has been “building on successful collaborative models” in a two-day economic summit hosted in North Bend by Oregon House Co-Speaker Arnie Roblan.
More than 160 members of local government and business leaders heard from a variety of speakers yesterday including economists, members of the U.S. Congressional delegation and state agency managers. They’ll wrap up today at the Mill Casino by hearing perspectives from four of Oregon’s nine federally recognized Indian tribes. A panel on Community Colleges, another on health care and wrap up with a local government perspective.
New Central Coast Ranger
A native Oregonian will be returning to her home state to take over at the Central Coast Ranger District of the Siuslaw National Forest. 45-year old Michele Jones has been serving in a similar capacity in Georgia for the past six years. She grew up in Washington County and began her Forest Service career marking timber as a summer hire on the Umatilla National Forest in Eastern Oregon. She’ll move into her new office in Waldport June 25th. From there she’ll be in charge of Forest Service Operations on the central Oregon Coast including the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.
Boating Safety Checkup
Public safety officials say it’s important that you have the proper equipment on board when you take to the water during the upcoming boating season. Lane County Sheriff’s Marine Deputies will be providing free boat inspections tomorrow from ten until two at Florence Bi-Mart. They’ll have a limited amount of personal floatation devices to give away… as well as an unlimited supply of general boating safety information.