November 30, 2012
Empty Bowls to Keep the Lights On
It’s one of the most anticipated fund-raising events of the year… the Empty Bowls for Florence Food Share. Event co-chair Bonnie MacDuffee says every dollar they take in tonight and tomorrow will go to meeting overhead needs.
Bonnie MacDuffee – It’s really nice, we’ve got enough sponsorships to cover all of the costs of actually putting on the event. The revenue from the sale of the bowls will go directly to food share.”
Several food drives, regular donations and supplies from the Oregon Food Bank help keep the shelves full at Food Share where they provide assistance to about 600 households each month. They also need a lot of cash to pay utilities, payroll, supplies and other expenses. Last year’s event raised just under $12-thousand.
Bonnie MacDuffee – “With more bowls this year, we should be able to top last year’s.”
This year there are more than 11-hundred bowls from local artists, the Boys and Girls Club, Siuslaw High School and Lane Community College.
Bonnie MacDuffee – “There will be separate tables and they’ll be marked. The bowls that were produced by the Boys and Girls Club, the high school and also Lane Community College will have special tables. Those will be kind of fun to look for.”
Each bowl comes with a coupon good for a cup of the soup at any one of 14 area restaurants this month. The doors at the Events Center are open this evening 5:30 to 7:30… tomorrow from 10-2.
Wharf Rehab Permit Approved
After a several week delay the National Marine Fisheries Service has notified the Port of Siuslaw that they will be issuing a permit that will allow rehabilitation of the Siuslaw River Wharf. The project involves providing a new support structure beneath ICM and Mo’s Restaurants and removing old piles from the river. Port manager Bob Forsythe says he will be reviewing the permit to make sure there aren’t any requirements he “can’t live with”. He also says the contractor has “jumped into action and is bringing in materials and equipment”.
Jail Release Followed by Alleged Bank Robbery
It took less than an hour for an inmate released from the Lane County Jail due of overcrowding to be back in the slammer. This time it’s highly unlikely that 33-year old Christopher Franklin Weaver will be back on the streets early. Weaver was among a group of 32 inmates released at 11 AM yesterday because of the closure of an additional 35 jail beds. Authorities say at 11:55 AM he walked in to a nearby Pacific Continental Bank Branch and robbed it. Eugene police took him into custody a short time later and promptly turned him over to federal authorities. Weaver had been previously jailed on a parole violation stemming from a conviction for second-degree sexual abuse.
Low Income Energy Assistance Heads for Second Round
An assistance program that helps low-income residents with their heating bills in the winter will accept a second round of applicants Monday morning at Siuslaw Outreach Services. The Low Income Heat and Energy Assistance Program… Lie-heep for short… applications will be taken at nine AM. Housing assistance manager Bob Teter says space is limited and they will take names until all available spots are taken. A similar signup earlier this month drew hundreds of applicants and the list was filled within about 90-minutes.