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2nd Oregon News Minute from the AP

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Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press


SALEM, Ore. (AP) – Oregon lawmakers are considering how dogs are leashed. A House bill would make it a violation to use a short leash or choke collar or to keep a dog tied up outside for an extended period of time. The Oregonian reports the bill is pushed by a coalition of animal welfare groups but it could provoke growling over “nanny state” lawmakers. Violators could face fines up to $1,000.

ASHLAND, Ore. (AP) – Police say lab tests confirm heroin had been used by two Ashland men who were found dead within a day of each other in December. Deputy Chief Corey Falls says they’re close to wrapping up the investigation. The Mail Tribune reports the body of 36-year-old Colin McKean was found by a family member in his home on Dec. 3, and 34-year-old Jordan Roth was found dead by a family friend on the next day.

SALEM, Ore. (AP) – Police say two people have been run down by a car outside a Salem restaurant by people speeding away from an altercation. The hit-and-run victims were taken to a hospital late last night. Police found the car abandoned a short distance from the Lucky Fortune Restaurant.

GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) – A southern Oregon timber county now has a second armed group filling the gap left by cuts to sheriff’s patrols. The Grants Pass Daily Courier reports that a laid-off deputy is training a team of seven people from the Hugo area in northern Josephine County on how to respond to burglaries and other crimes. Sheriff’s patrols in Josephine County have been cut to the bone since voters last year refused to raise their taxes to plug the gap left by the expiration of a longstanding federal subsidy for timber counties.


Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.

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