20 August 2013
Lawmakers and other officials gather to talk Coastal Economy
Coastal lawmakers are joining together to bring leaders from up and down the Oregon Coast for a two-day summit beginning today at Lincoln City.
The theme of the meeting is “The Challenge of Change”. It’s officially organized by the Legislative Coastal Caucus, a group of State Senators and Representatives from both major parties that have one thing in common… The Pacific Ocean touches the districts they represent.
Today, attendees at Chinook Winds Casino will hear about economic contributions by Native American Tribes, as well as an examination of how rural economies stack up against that of the population centers in the Willamette Valley.
Elected officials from small towns, coastal counties and other agencies will be there; as well as members of Oregon’s Congressional Delegation. Representative Peter DeFazio is a speaker this morning, Senator Ron Wyden will talk tomorrow.
The two-day summit wraps up Wednesday afternoon when members of Oregon’s Coastal Caucus discuss strategies for future legislation.
Senior Center Age Rules Relaxed
One of the requirements of the federal grant that funded construction of the Florence Senior Center on Kingwood Street was that it excluded anyone under the age of 60 from attending any event there. That rule was to remain in place for the first five years of the center’s operation. Now, three years into it, Florence City Manager Jacque Betz says the state agency that administered the grant is taking a slightly different view.
Jacque Betz – “Not changing the rule that only people over 60 can attend events at the Senior Center, but how they’re interpreting fund raising events is that if all the proceeds go back into the operations of the facility then it’s ok for the seniors to have events to generate money.”
That means, says Betz, if the non-profit group that runs the center wants to have a fund-raiser like a breakfast or a dinner, as long as all of the proceeds go to the operation of the center, it will be open to all ages.
The new interpretation still won’t allow the Senior Center to permit under-age visitors to any of the regular social events.
Kiwanis Grant to Fund Behavior
A program aimed at changing negative behavior of elementary and primary aged students before it can turn into a problem will be funded this year entirely by a single grant from the Florence Kiwanis Foundation.
Siuslaw Elementary School Counselor Amy Tanikawa accepted an $1829 check last week from the club. The money will fund the purchase of the latest modules of the “Positive Behavior and Instructional Support” or PBIS.
Tanikawa says the program has been used at Siuslaw for the past decade. In the past few years updates have been funded through a cooperative effort of Mo’s Restaurant and parents.
This year the new curriculum will be paid entirely by the grant.
Emergency Drinking Water
Sure, there’s plenty of water around us… and if there were an earthquake and tsunami, there might be even more water than you really wanted.
But… it wouldn’t be water that you could drink.
Joan Edwards, with the West Lane Emergency Operations Group says the best method is to have emergency drinking water set aside in advance of needing it.
She’s offering two one-hour sessions Thursday at Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue that will help you be prepared… the first is at lunch time… from 12:15 to 1:15. The second will be that evening from 6:15 to 7:15. Both are free… and no pre-registration is required.