Date: 12/09/2013 05:59 PM
AP-OR–4th NewsMinute/233
Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Democrat John Kitzhaber says he’s running for governor a fourth time on a record as a centrist. Kitzhaber said restoring civility and rebuilding the political center have been at the heart of his administration’s third-term accomplishments. He was nicknamed Dr. No during his first two terms for vetoing Republican legislation.
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – A sweeping crackdown on white supremacist gangs in eastern Multnomah County included more than 40 indictments for violent crimes and drug manufacturing. The six-month operation announced this morning included a weekend of arrests in which investigators say they captured more than 20 people affiliated with six different gangs near Portland.
GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) – A new government report shows that many of Oregon’s beaches are eroding faster than in recent decades, through a combination of less sand coming out of rivers, rising sea levels and bigger waves. The U.S. Geological Survey study released today is part of a nationwide assessment of coastal erosion.
SALEM, Ore. (AP) – Records leading to her ouster show frustration among staff and board members with the longtime leader of two Oregon cultural agencies. The Salem Statesman Journal reports the records reflect criticism of Chris D’Arcy for being controlling and a micro-manager. She also won praise for her advocacy and experience heading the Oregon Arts Commission and Oregon Cultural Trust. D’Arcy was dismissed Oct. 28.
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