Date: 01/14/2014 03:59 AM
AP-OR–1st NewsMinute/258
Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Oregon is no longer dead last among states when it comes to signing up for private health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, although it’s still close to the bottom. An analysis by The Associated Press shows that Oregon is third from last when it comes to enrollments in private coverage when compared to 13 other states and the District of Columbia that built their own exchanges. Dead last was Massachusetts.
SALEM, Ore. (AP) – A year after they authorized $450 million in debt to replace the Interstate 5 bridge across the Columbia River, Oregon legislators are nearing a decision about whether to do so again, this time without the state of Washington as a partner. Lawmakers have a hearing today in advance of the month-long legislative session in February.
HOOD RIVER, Ore. (AP) – Oregon State Police say a rock the size of a Volkwagen Beetle car fell onto Interstate 84 about a mile west of Hood River but no vehicles were hit. Police say the giant rock blocked one lane of traffic yesterday afternoon. It took crews about two hours with heavy machinery to remove it.
MILWAUKIE, Ore. (AP) – Investigators say an electric space heater that was too close to combustible material caused a fire that killed a resident at a Milwaukie mobile home court. The victim was identified yesterday as 61-year-old James Randall. He died Friday in a fire that broke out about 6:30 a.m. Firefighters say space heaters should be at least 3 feet from anything combustible.
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