24 February 2014
Tribal Foundation Disburses Funds
Three grants totaling $22-thousand were awarded last week to groups in Western Lane and Douglas Counties.
The money was part of a total of $342-thousand presented to 39 different groups by the Coquille (ko-KWILL) Tribal Community Fund.
$11-thousand will go to the Reedsport Fire Department to purchase a new “Jaws of Life” extrication tool. Siuslaw Outreach Services in Florence will get $6-thousand for an emergency voucher fund; Florence Food Share will get $5-thousand for food purchases.
The Coquille Tribal Community Fund was created in 2001 to disburse proceeds from the Mill Casino in North Bend.
Since that time, Tribal Chair Brenda Meade said, the fund has provided more than $4.6 million to support non-profit groups.
The largest award this year was $82-thousand to complete a $600-thousand commitment to the Coos Historical and Maritime Center.
O&C Lands Discussion
More than 25-percent of the land in the Siuslaw Watershed is managed by the Federal Bureau of Land Management… the majority of that is referred to as O&C lands.
A forum this Wednesday evening in Mapleton will provide more background on the origins of the land that was originally granted to the former Oregon and California Railroad.
Also up for discussion will be a series of different proposals made by elected officials on how to manage the land for timber production while preserving some of the most environmentally sensitive lands.
Chris Cadwell is a forester who worked for the BLM for more than 20 years. He also served on the Governor’s Panel on the O&C in 2012. Joining Cadwell in the discussion will be Dr. Chris Frissell, a Senior Staff Scientist for the Pacific Rivers Council.
The O&C Lands Forum will be from 6:00 to 8:30 Wednesday night at the Mapleton Grange on East Mapleton Road.
Seacoast Entertainment Association
Now that the Olympics are over… the real competition can begin.
Russia’s best string ensemble and America’s favorite big band are coming to Florence.
Seacoast Entertainment Association is bringing “Chamber Orchestra Kremlin” to the Florence Events Center March 7th. The group routinely receives rave reviews from critics and has won international acclaim for its presentation of chamber music.
Three weeks later, America’s best big band, the Glenn Miller Orchestra, will return to Florence bringing the best swing-dancing music ever recorded. That’s on Saturday, March 29th.
Tickets for each show are $30 for adults; $10 for 18 and under. They can be purchased online at seacoast-e-a-dot-org or at the Events Center box office.