28 February 2014
Grow Your Own
If you learn one thing from this weekend’s Home and Garden Show, Lisa Sedlacek wants it to be that, in fact, you can grow your own.
Lisa Sedlacek – “Tomatoes! In Florence!”
One of the outdoor displays greeting visitors at the Florence Events center this weekend will be a do-it-yourself raised bed greenhouse.
Lisa Sedlacek – “The materials you can just buy in town and you can put it up in an afternoon and it’s real inexpensive. It’s redwood and pipe and greenhouse plastic.”
When you move inside the show you’ll be greeted by nearly three-dozen exhibitors and hundreds of products. Sedlacek and her company, Laurel Bay Gardens, will have a prominent display right smack dab in the middle.
Lisa Sedlacek – “We have this Italian Goddess who is going to be hidden in the branches and then she has this modern metal behind her.”
The show is open from two to six this afternoon… ten to six tomorrow… then wraps up Sunday from 11 to three.
Parking in Old Town
Florence City Councilors will bring up a topic once again next week that has dominated conversations repeatedly over the years: Whether or not to ease parking requirements for businesses in Old Town.
Balancing the need for new businesses to provide adequate parking… and the availability of space for that parking has been a council goal. Monday they will talk about the possibility of easing those requirements by as much as 50-percent.
In her report to the Council on the matter, City Manager Jacque Betz said changes to the parking requirements could “potentially spur development and increase viability of vacant buildings within the Old Town district.”
Part of the discussion will center on whether or not to pursue formation of an “Old Town Parking District”.
That meeting is Monday evening, seven pm, at City Hall.
County Administrator Candidate Pondering Offer
Mo-crow-high-ski… that’s how you say the last name of the man currently considering a job offer to become Lane County’s top administrator.
Steve Mokrohisky (mo-KRO-hi-skee) may be coming from a very small county in rural Nevada, but he has previous experience at the top level of government in metropolitan areas of Wisconsin. That’s according to West Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozievich.
Jay Bozievich – “Steve is a highly qualified candidate and I was really impressed with him in the interview process, particularly our follow-up interview on Wednesday and therefore I’m fully supporting our offer to him and I really hope that he accepts.”
The Board of Commissioners offered the job Wednesday to Mokrohisky. He would replace Liane Richardson who was fired by the Board in August.