15 May 2014
Council Facing Management Transition Decisions
Long and short term considerations for management of the day-to-day operations at the City of Florence will be discussed this evening.
The City Council will meet in two special sessions at Florence City Hall.
The first will be an hour-long work session beginning at six. The council will talk about the recruitment process they’ll utilize to find a replacement for Jacque Betz, the current manager who is leaving next month for a similar position in Newberg.
Other discussions during the work session will center on hiring a temporary, or “pro-tem” City Manager.
At Seven PM, the council is expected to move into formal session where they’ll deliberate and likely make decisions on both matters.
They will sift through a handful of resumes that have been submitted for the pro-tem position; then make final decisions on the permanent recruitment process.
A third consideration will be the meeting calendar for the council… their next scheduled meeting is June 2nd.
107th Rhody Festival…
Adult Activities Offering Free Rides
For revelers who want to sample the “nightlife” at area ‘watering holes’ Friday and Saturday night, there is a free ride available.
The Rhody Express will be true to its name between nine pm and 3 AM tomorrow and Saturday, offering safe, convenient, and free transportation between Bay Street and any lodging facility within city limits.
The express will operate the regular route today through seven pm, then again tomorrow between ten AM and seven PM. Regular rates are one-dollar one-way or two-dollars all-day.
Free fun, game and refreshments for the kids
A pair of events will team up again Saturday afternoon to provide free activities for youngsters.
The annual Fire-Fighters Junior Parade will proceed up Oak Street between Miller Park and Siuslaw High School at Noon. There is no charge to participate and there is no pre-registration required.
Siuslaw Valley Fire Marshall Sean Barrett says check-in is at 11 Saturday morning at Miller Park. Individuals, groups, animals; they’re all welcome to participate.
The parade will end at the high school, where the Kiwanis Club of Florence will be providing games for kids age ten and under. The games are at the JV Baseball Field at the corner of Oak and 27th. Organizer Alicia Spooner says in addition to games there will be prizes and free snacks for the youngsters.
Hospice Care Givers Recognized
Three caregivers with Peace Harbor Home Health were honored last month for their efforts at providing care to their patients.
The awards were handed out by the Oregon Association for Home Care.
Stacy McSharry was honored as Nurse of the Year; Michele Mariesse as the Medical Social Worker of the Year; and Janet Wellington was honored as the “support staff” of the year.
Peace Harbor Home Health manager Kathy Haberly, who nominated the three and presented them with their awards, said she feels fortunate to work with caregivers who represent the mission and values of Peace Health.