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It’s Not Our First Rhody… Oh!

16 May 2014

It’s not our first Rhody-Oh!

The signature event of the 107th Rhododendron Festival… the Rhododendron Society flower show at the Events Center… will be presenting a slightly different look this year according to Mike Bones.

Mike Bones – “We’re going to have a lot of different things than in the past because all the flowers are blooming early this year, so we’ll see a lot of news things that we’ve never had before.”

Many of the hybrid rhodies have already blossomed. But, says Bones, there are still plenty of the natives… as well as ‘late-blooming’ varieties. All are welcome for showing.

Mike Bones – “We just want them to bring them in between seven and nine AM Saturday morning.”

Society volunteers will be on hand to help identify the specific variety and get them arranged for judging. That will take place tomorrow between nine and one pm.

Mike Bones – “Hoping to have it open at one o’clock for the public. From one until five on Saturday, then from ten until five on Sunday.”

Bones said the Rhody show can be a quiet break between hectic festival events… there’s no cost to enter… and no cost to see.

Grand Floral Parade Features Cowboys, King and Queen

Local News

The other signature event of the festival is Sunday’s Grand Floral Parade. This year it will be presided over by “double royalty”… Queen Rhododendra Katrina Greenlief will be joined by “King of the Coast” Derek Kennedy. Both will be attended to by their respective courts.

Keeping with the theme of “Not Our First Rhody-Oh!” the Grand Marshal will be pro-cowboy Dennis Foley. He and his renowned mule “Bailiff” are nationally recognized for their trail course exhibitions; demonstrating the connection between a rider and his mount.

Nearly one-hundred entries will line up for the parade Sunday morning on 27th street between Highway 101 and Kingwood Street.

The parade itself begins at noon… and the KCST team of Calista Cates and Harley Youngblood will describe the action on 106.9 from “Parade Central” at TR Hunter Real Estate.

A live link to watch the parade as it passes through Old Town can be found at The feed is from the office of Hoaglund Properties at Laurel and Bay Streets.

Roll On Rhodies!

Rolling stock seems to have become a very large part of the annual Rhododendron Festival over the years. Motorcycles will begin lining both sides of Bay Street beginning today and running through the weekend.

Three Rivers Casino and Hotel will host their annual “Let ‘er ride” motorcycle show from 11 to two tomorrow.

The BeachKombers Car Club will host their 22nd annual Show and Shine at Grocery Outlet Shopping Center. Pre-registration is set for this afternoon from three to seven; then again tomorrow beginning at eight am. It’s open to the public from ten until four.

That’s the only place that classic cars can sign up for the 20th annual Cost Radio Classic Car Cruise.

The cruise itself, through Old Town, is set for 6:30 to eight pm tomorrow.



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