Date: 06/16/2014 09:26 AM
AP-OR–2nd NewsMinute/260
Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press
GRESHAM, Ore. (AP) – A public service is planned today for Jared Padgett, the Oregon teen who shot and killed a high school classmate before killing himself. A family spokesman tells The Oregonian that the funeral will start at 2:30 p.m. at the LDS Church in Gresham. Police say Padgett shot 14-year-old Emilio Hoffman at Reynolds High School in Troutdale Tuesday before killing himself.
TROUTDALE, Ore. (AP) – A public service for Emilio Hoffman is scheduled for Sunday. He was fatally shot by a classmate Tuesday morning while in the locker room. Police say the shooter died from a self-inflicted gunshot when confronted by officers. The service starts at 4 p.m. at Good Shepherd Community Church in Boring.
EUGENE, Ore. (AP) – A federal judge has dismissed an $800,000 lawsuit filed by a convicted double-murderer who said he was mistreated during his 19 months at the Lane County Jail. The Register-Guard reports that the suit filed by 38-year-old Johan Gillette alleged that the jail denied him and other inmates certain comforts, such as decent food, soft beds and the annual swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated.
GRANGEVILLE, Idaho (AP) – Police say their investigation into the shooting death of a man in Idaho has resulted in a second arrest. The Idaho County Sheriff’s Office says it has arrested 36-year-old Ernest Ruiz III of Eugene, Oregon, on a charge of unlawful possession of a firearm. It says Ruiz is also being held on a warrant issued by the Oregon State Parole Board.
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