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ODOT to begin four-year project on Siuslaw bridge

Coast Radio News
Local News
9 January 2015

ODOT Plans Huge Local Investment

Drivers in and around Florence are going to be dealing with the effects of several high profile construction projects in the next two or three years. ODOT Public Information Officer Rick Little says that constitutes a considerable financial investment.

Rick Little – “In 2015 and 2016 ODOT is poised to invest $72-million-plus on the roads into and out of Florence. That’s Highway 126 and US 101.”

The projects include slide repairs and resurfacing on Highway 101 to the North; as well as resurfacing on 101 south. The most visible and longest project involves the Siuslaw River Bridge.

Rick Little – “Definitely the longest in duration and, yeah, your bridge is not going to look like it does now for the next several years.”

Crews will install seismic protections, a corrosion resistant coating, and new side rails in a project that could stretch to 2019.

Rick Little – “The good news is that when we’re finished it last longer than if we didn’t come in and do this and it will be safer.”

One other project set to start this year will be a drainage culvert replacement on 101 between 12th street and 28th street… that will require traffic changes for several months while work is going on.

Chairman of the Board

West Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozievich was selected this week to serve as Commission Chair for 2015. The role of chair is to set the agendas for meetings, then run the meetings.

Jay Bozievich – “And really, any three commissioners can ask for something to be on the agenda so basically what I get is the duty of having to run the meeting and do some ceremonial roles as chair. So I get extra work but no extra power.”

Still, Bozievich says it’s a high honor to serve as Chair… and he’s especially pleased the vote was unanimous. That pleasure swiftly evaporated in the second meeting he chaired this week.

Jay Bozievich – “Wednesday we had our budget kickoff meeting and got the depressing news that if nothing changes we’ll have a three point seven million dollar deficit in our general fund and a nine million dollar deficit in our road fund. So, we’re planning our budgeting around that right now.”

Lane County has no assurances of any additional federal money this year. Commissioners will hold a series of meetings and hearings over the coming months to determine where to make adjustments to services. They’re also considering asking voters for approval of a vehicle registration fee that would backfill some of the road fund deficit.

AARP tax aides sought

Volunteer tax counselors are being sought right now.

Each year the local AARP chapter offers the tax counseling and preparation services for low income and senior residents in the area. Classes for counselors will begin Monday with tax preparation beginning February 2nd.

Anyone can volunteer, but coordinator Frank Williams says they especially need people with tax and or computer experience.

Interested volunteers can contact Williams at 997-7836.

Grant applications due soon

Over the past 40-years the Western Lane Community Foundation has awarded grants and scholarships totaling more than $2.4-million. Last year grants to area non-profits amounted to more than $77-thousand.

This year, a similar amount will be handed out, but in order to get the money, organizations and worthy causes have to ask for it.

The current grant application cycle is already underway and closes at the end of next week.

Business property returns due March 1st.

All businesses in Oregon… even home-based business… are required to file an annual personal property tax return with their county assessors by March First of each year.

That’s a law that’s been on the books for many, many years. But it’s been overlooked by many. Government officials have been working hard to remind businesses of the requirements in the past two years.

The personal property can include things like office furniture, personal computers and even leased equipment like copiers. Assessors collect the information by March 1st and it is added to the businesses property tax statement in November.

Assessors will cancel the tax due this year if the total value is less than $16-thousand; but the return must be filed no matter the value.

Grant to allow SOS to provide services

A 7-thousand-dollar grant will bolster the Emergency Voucher Fund at Siuslaw Outreach Services in the early months of 2015.

Nearly a thousand vouchers are handed out each year by SOS to help low income, senior and disabled residents pay for emergency expenses, transportation, utilities and even basic needs like fuel, shelter and prescription drugs.

Executive Director David Wiegan said the Emergency Voucher Fund was almost depleted by November of this year, so the grant, from the Templeton Foundation, is “especially welcome”.

Several local organizations, businesses and individuals provided funds for SOS in December.

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