5 November 2015
But more efforts needed
Renewed efforts are being made this fall to cut down on absenteeism at Siuslaw High School. Vice Principal Corky Franklin says they are tracking attendance very closely… and following up directly with students and families.
Corky Franklin – “It is making a difference. It’s not as much as we’d like, of course, you know. It tends to still (be) an issue. Still have kids and families who are chronically absent. Obviously we know it affects your ability to achieve.”
It’s a given that good attendance can help with grades, but Franklin says it’s even more important than that.
Corky Franklin – “Those internal skills, resources, that we know are so important as you grow up. To handle adversity, to keep showing up, to persevere, to keep showing up to your job day after day; to keep showing up for your family day after day. You know, to inculcate those types of skills and characteristics in young people.”
Franklin says the program includes reaching out directly to family members, as well as talking individually with students who are identified as being at risk.
Port Commission to winnow list of management hopefuls
A special meeting this afternoon will allow the Port of Siuslaw Commission to review applications from candidates hoping to replace retiring manager Bob Forsythe. Commission president Ron Caputo:
Ron Caputo – “We have ten applications and we’re going to whittle that down to probably four and then have interviews with those four people and hopefully within a month, anyway, we’ll hire a new manager.”
Forsythe originally said he would be stepping down by the end of this year. The Commission will consider whether or not to move that date up.
Ron Caputo – “We are going to let him retire now rather than wait until December 23rd.”
If the commission approves, Caputo says Administrative Assistant Dina McClure would be named interim manager.
That meeting is at four pm at the Port office in the RV Park and Marina
Coos County says no to gun controls
Voters in Coos County this week overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure that seeks to prohibit enforcement of new gun laws. That measure passed by a nearly two-to-one margin.
It follows a state law approved earlier this year requiring background checks for private, person-to-person gun sales. The measure seeks to prohibit the use of Coos County funds to enforce the background checks mandate, or other new gun restrictions that may pass in the future. It also directs the sheriff to determine whether or not gun laws violate the state or U.S. constitutions.
The Lane County Board of Commissioners approved a similar ordinance earlier this year. But, it stops short of ordering the sheriff to determine the constitutionality.
Legal experts say the courts are the proper venue for sorting that issue out.
Flood insurance needs advance work
Damage to your home caused by mud flows or flooding is not covered by standard homeowner’s policies. That’s the reminder issued this week by Kenton Brine, the President of the Northwest Insurance Council.
Brine says last week’s heavy rains prompted flood watches in parts of Western Washington… and that led some people to seek out last minute Flood Insurance protection.
Waiting until the last minute doesn’t work though.
Brine says standard flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period.
He says the first step is to call your insurance agent and talk to him or her about the National Flood Insurance Program.
Debris booms headed for boat basin
Winter preparations are under way at the Port of Siuslaw sport and commercial moorages. Later this month log booms will be placed at entrances to all marinas to help keep debris out.
Even with the booms, a considerable amount of storm debris can accumulate the basin, potentially damaging vessels and docks.
Boaters are advised to use care when operating around the log booms. You should not try to move them during strong winds or rough water conditions. Officials say boaters are responsible for securely replacing the booms after your boat enters or exits the marina or boat launch area.