Siuslaw Award Nominees Announced

Coast Radio News
Local News

First and Future First Citizen Awards set for January 20th

Four area residents have been nominated for Florence’s First Citizen for 2015: Geraldine Lucio, Janet Snow, Gayle Waiss, and Bill Craig.

Craig is an active volunteer with the Florence Kiwanis, as well as a member of the city’s Transit Advisory Committee. Lucio has been an active supporter of several Old Town Events and worked with the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign.

Snow also worked on the Red Kettle Campaign. She was instrumental in establishing it in Florence. Waiss, the Children’s Services Librarian at Siuslaw Public Library also serves numerous non-profit organizations in a variety of roles.

Four Siuslaw High School seniors have been named as nominees for Future First Citizen: Hannah Bartlett, Holly Hicks, Mikaela Siegel, and Alexis Scheer.

Nominees for Florence's Future First Citizen are (l. to r.) Holly Hicks, Hannah Bartlett, Ali Scheer, and Mikaela Siegel. The winner will be announced at the Siuslaw Awards Dinner January 20th. (Florence Area Chamber of Commerce photo).
Nominees for Florence’s Future First Citizen are (l. to r.) Holly Hicks, Hannah Bartlett, Ali Scheer, and Mikaela Siegel. The winner will be announced at the Siuslaw Awards Dinner January 20th. (Florence Area Chamber of Commerce photo).

The award winners will be announced Wednesday, January 20th during the annual Florence Area Chamber of Commerce Siuslaw Awards. Several business awards will be handed out that evening at the Florence Events Center. Tickets are $35 and are available at the Chamber Visitor Center.

Business nominees listed

Two nominees for the Stu Johnston Business of the Year Award will be recognized Wednesday, January 20th.

Foglio Trucking and Homegrown Pub are the nominees.

Korando Dental Group, Oregon Pacific Banka and Cross Road Assembly are the nominees for Community Caring; while Florence Kiwanis, Oregon Coast Military Museum and the Salvation Army are up for the Non-Profit Achievement award.

Customer Service nominees are Banner Bank, Hoagland Properties and Rosa’s Mexican Restaurant. Old Town Barbershop and the Siuslaw River Bridge Interpretive Center were nominated for Curb Appeal and Sand Master Park was the sole nominee for Innovation in Business.

42 Repairs could take months

Landslide repairs on Oregon Highway 42 between Roseburg and Coos Bay could take several more months to fully repair. Oregon Department of Transportation officials also say it could take an additional $5-million… that’s over and above the $11-million cost to straighten the roadway in the area where the slide occurred December 23rd.

It’s possible that the improvement work already underway may have contributed to the slide that sent soil and rocks over and through the roadway and into the Coquille River.

The road opened to one-lane traffic through the slide area at the Douglas-Coos County line last week.

Powerball promises paradise

There’s plenty of time for you to pick up what could be your ticket to paradise. No winning numbers were selected for Saturday’s “then-record” $900-million jackpot in the multi-state Power Ball.

That puts estimates for the new record at $1.3-billion… with a “B”… for this Wednesday’s drawing.

That jackpot will be roughly twice the size of the last record U.S. Lottery payout… that was $656-million in the “Mega Millions” jackpot in March 2012. That prize was split by three winners. Just over a year later one player in the “Powerball” collected $590-million.

The world’s largest lottery payout to date was $2.4-billion in Spain’s “El-Gordo”… or “The Fat One”… just last month. That was split between 16-hundred winners who each picked up just under a half-million dollars.

Marijuana dispensary application

The Florence Planning Commission will review an application for what would be the city’s second medical marijuana dispensary later this month.

Dennis Smith has applied for a Conditional Use Permit for the facility that would be in the Dunes Village Shopping Center between a café and a hardware store.

In his application, Smith refers to the dispensary as being “upscale”. It will be in a 15-hundred square foot space currently occupied by a laundromat.

The Planning Commission will take testimony on the request January 26th.