Oregon Lawmakers Narrowly Approve Minimum Wage Hike
Employers in Lane County will pay a minimum wage of $13.50 an hour by 2022 after lawmakers in Salem narrowly approved landmark legislation yesterday.
The new law will not only raise the state’s minimum wage to the highest level in the country, but will also do it through an unprecedented three-tiered system that sets different rates based on county lines.
Senate Bill 1532 passed the House late yesterday afternoon 32-26, largely along party lines.
Coastal Representative Caddy McKeown was one of two Democrats who voted against the bill. She supported an increase, but said this bill needed more work. In earlier comments she said she preferred to regulate minimums based on industry, rather than “arbitrary” boundaries.
The bill, introduced by Governor Kate Brown, would gradually increase the minimum to $12.50 an hour in rural counties like Coos, Curry and Douglas,as well as most of Eastern Oregon.
Wages in the Willamette Valley, the central and north coast, southern Oregon and Deschutes County would reach $13.50; and the top minimum of $14.75 would apply in metro-Portland.
>>>Port of Siuslaw manager Steve Leskin started on the job February first. He didn’t waste any time getting to work.
200 — “Gotta get our property issues together, we have some surplus property that we’re marketing. Reduce some of the debt and then do some long over-due maintenance and work within our other assets like the campground and the other buildings that we own. So, that’s kind of the road map for where we’re at right now.
The former trial attorney and project manager for the Port of Bandon was selected by Port Commissioners from the second round of job applicants in January.
>>>Long time Florence resident Wilbur Ternyik will preside over the 109th Rhododendron Festival as Grand Marshal.
The Festival Committee, under Chamber President Jenna Bartlett, made the announcement yesterday.Bartlett said Ternyik “played a pivotal role as an early leader in coastal conservation and many other contributions to the Oregon coast”. His public service has included several local elected positions and he also worked hard to lobby the U.S. Congress to make improvements to the Siuslaw River Jetties and was instrumental in the creation of coastal conservation efforts.
The Rhododendron Festival is May 20-22, 2016. The Grand Floral Parade is on May 22, 2016.
>>>A community Job Fair scheduled for next month promises to offer more than 50 available positions to job-seekers.
Attendance is free at the fair, which will run from ten to 5:30 at Three Rivers Casino on Thursday, March 24th.
Three Rivers Chief Operating Officer Mike Rose said the event will “provide ample opportunities for job seekers in Florence.”
So far at least 24 different businesses and community partners have agreed to be represented at the fair. The jobs are spread across a variety of different categories, including healthcare, grocery, restaurants, resorts, youth opportunities and education.
Pam Hickson is organizing the event for Three Rivers, she said there is still time for businesses and other employers to get involved. They can call her direct at 541-902-6504.
The March 24th Job Fair is free and open to the public.
Coast Radio News – Minimum Wage – Ternyik Named Rhody Grand Marshall

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