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AARP Offers Free Tax Prep; Police Enforcement On Super Bowl Sunday; Lane Commissioners In Executive Session; City Lights Cinemas Host Delores

The A-A-R-P Foundation’s Tax-Aide program is in its 50th year of providing free tax services to people across the country. Last year, nearly 12-hundred volunteers helped 73-thousand Oregonians file their state and federal income-tax returns, and they received nearly 52-million dollars in refunds. Bob Bruce, state coordinator for the A-A-R-P Tax Aide program, says volunteers add a personal touch to filing tax returns and can save filers money.

“In addition to doing the calculations, we often give them insights about their own tax return and finances and help them to understand some of the ways in which they can claim credits to which they didn’t even know existed.”

Nationwide, the program helped two-point-five million Americans file their taxes last year. It’s open to everyone, not just seniors, and aims especially to help low- and middle-income folks. The program is now open at locations across the state, including libraries, schools, senior centers and more.  Bruce says the earned income tax credit is a perfect example of a credit tax filers may have not know they’re eligible for. Last year, Oregonians saved more than 13-point-seven million dollars through the earned income tax credit with the help of Tax-Aide volunteers.

Obviously, they’re delighted that it means more money that goes back into the family budget to help support things like food and groceries and house payments as well.”

 Bruce says the program also offers translation services. He’s excited about the 50th anniversary, but adds that it could be challenging because people are likely to have questions about how their returns for 2018 will change under the tax law.

Lane County Commissioners Executive Session

The Lane County Board of Commissioners will meet in Executive Session on Tuesday February 6th.  the purpose of the meeting will be to deliberate with persons responsible for conducting labor negotiations with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and nurses.  There will be no official decisions made in this meeting but the Board of Commissioners reserves the right to go into open session following the executive session.  A tentative agreement in October averted a strike by AFSCME but the two entities continue to work toward future issues.

Super Bowl Policing

No matter who you are rooting for in the super bowl, the Florence Police Department reminds you not to drink and drive and there will be extra officers on patrol Sunday to make sure that if you do they will be waiting.  FPD suggest that you have a designated driver, have home gatherings where people can rest after the game, or use a taxi.  Reminding you that drinking and driving could result in serious injury or death to you or someone else and at the very least may result in you losing your license.

Delores!  The Movie

The Movie Delores is coming to City Lights Cinemas Saturday February 10th.  the film documents the life of Delores Heurta as she struggles to organize farmworkers in California while raising 11 children.  Refreshments will be provided by local restaurants and a suggested 5 to 10 dollar donation will go to help support local DACA youth.

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