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Florence Fourth of July

Thousands of people lined both sides of the Siuslaw River near Old Town Florence for the annual Fourth of July Fireworks display this week.

An Old Fashioned Fourth of July is on today’s agenda courtesy of the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce.


During the day people can enjoy traditional pie- and watermelon-eating contests sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The contests are free and open to all ages and will be held in age groupings with prizes for each. Registration begins at 11am, the contest begin at 11:45 on the corner of Bay St. and Nopal St. in front of Bay Street Bling.


The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce is planning a fireworks spectacular over the Siuslaw River, according the chamber director Bettina Hannigan…


204  “ It’s going to be unusually spectacular becaue this year thanks to our Big Bang Sponsor Banner Bank, we are going to have completely synchronized music with our fireworks.”


Launched from a barge in the Siuslaw River across from the Port of Siuslaw  the show will be produced in sync with patriotic music on 106.9fm  KCST beginning at 10:10. Chamber director Bettina Hannigan says, the location gives more people a better vantage point for viewing the show, and adds depth and drama by allowing the show to reflect off the water.   The Chamber and the City of Florence remind everyone that private fireworks are no longer allowed on publicly-owned property within the vicinity of Old Town as well as the Port of Siuslaw. The ban also applies to public streets and right of ways throughout the community, along with beaches, dunes, and forests.


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