Politics Heat Up Controversial Flyer
Military Museum Board Adds Two Directors
The Oregon Coast Military Museum has announced that they have added to new members to the museum’s board of directors. Ann Dowdy and Shelly Medeiros. Dowdy has extensive experience with non-profit organizations, including museums and has a proud military heritage including her husband, Terry who is a retired Chief Warrant Officer with the united states coast guard. Medeiros has a background in financial management and she and her husband Alan are Air Force veterans.
Ocean Crabbing Done
The Oregon Department of Agriculture and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife have closed all crabbing along the Oregon coast due to increased levels of the toxin, demoic acid. This closure does not include bays and estuaries and off of docks. Recreation crabbing in the ocean closed on October 15th. ODFW says despite the closure the crab in retail markets and in restaurants is still deemed safe for consumption. Tainted crab is known to cause dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea in mild cases and in severe cases even death. Demoic acid cannot be removed by cooking, freezing, or any other treatment.
Gas Prices Slow to Come Down
Gas prices continue to remain high in Florence despite the switch to winter blends. AAA Oregon’s Marie Dodds says that disruptions in the northwest and in the gulf coast have added to already high prices and despite the drop in crude prices we are just now seeing some relief. National prices of regular gas have dropped 4 cents this week with Oregon’s average dropping a penny. Florence usually follows the trend with a 2-3 cent drop, but as of this morning is still at an average of $3.10 a gallon.