Shop Small
This Saturday is shop small Saturday. Local businesses are preparing for shoppers as the push for retail dollars comes home to Florence. The event, sponsored by American Express, was created to show the importance of small town retail stores and the services they provide. Jo Beaudreaux is a local business owner who knows the importance of the small business model in local communities.
“Building those relationships with your community you can have extra little things that really make a difference to somebody for example for someone who cannot get out of their house.”
Bettina Hannigan with the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce says that many of the things that you drive to Eugene for are actually available here.
202: “The resources that we have here in town are incredible. And when you shop small you are supporting our community.”
Both Hannigan and Beaudreaux touted the shopping community in Florence and included stores like Fred Meyer and BiMart, because they provide our residents with jobs and also shop here in our community. Shop Small is this Saturday.
City Seeks Budget Committee
The city of Florence is currently recruiting citizens to serve on the Budget Committee. Committee members are charged with reviewing the proposed operating and capital budgets during each budget cycle (every two years) and make a recommendation to the City Council for final approval. This generally entails a time commitment of about 1-2 meetings in late winter / early spring to kick off the budget process, and 2-3 meetings in the late spring to review the final budget document and provide for public comments and testimony on the proposal. According to state law to be a member of the Budget Committee you must live within the city limits of Florence. People interested in participating can apply online at or by visiting the Public Works Department at 2675 Kingwood.
Oregon Mural Trail
Travel Oregon is introducing the Oregon Mural Trail in Yachats on Friday, November 30th. The trail is designed to bring Oregonians and travelers outside to different locations around the state to view billboard sized murals in local communities. The event is from 4-5pm at Yachats Brewing.
Cooking Safety Tips
During the upcoming holidays, State Fire Marshal Jim Walker is reminding Oregonians to keep fire safety in mind when cooking and preparing holiday meals. Cooking was the leading cause of residential structure fires over the past five years (2013-2017), causing an average of 19% of Oregon’s total residential structure fires. On average, there are 533 cooking-caused residential structure fires per year. Walker recommends keeping a close eye on what you are cooking, heat cooking oil slowly, and never leave cooking food unattended. If you need to leave the kitchen, turn off the stove or set a timer. Also have a “kid and pet-free zone” of at least three feet around the stove and areas where hot foods or drinks are prepared or carried. Keep pot and pan handles turned inward on the stove to avoid bumping them and spilling hot food.