Road Warnings From Lane County
Lane County issued a release for weather conditions for today as temperatures were expected to drop into the upper 20’s. the release warned of black ice and treacherous conditions on county roads. Temperatures in the Walton area dropped to 27 degrees last night, but here in Florence the overnight low was 35 degrees. This does not mean that there is not still the potential for dangerous conditions. County recommendations are to stay alert and drive with extra caution this morning. Keep speeds down and go easy on braking. Lane County Road Maintenance crews have been placing deicer on priority routes this week; however, rain has washed much of that away. Crews were out at midnight last night to continue preventative measures where possible.
126 Construction Delays
Travelers should expect 20 minute delays along OR 126W Florence-Eugene Highway west of Walton as crews begin work to add a westbound passing lane between Walker Creek and Chickahominy Creek. Crews have begun taking out trees along the sides of the road and flaggers are in the area to stop traffic for safety. Delays should be expected Monday through Thursday between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Crews will work at times on Friday mornings between 8 a.m. and noon. There will be no lane closures or flagging at night or on weekends. In addition to adding the passing lane ODOT will be placing centerline and shoulder rumble strips. The $5 million project will also replace a large culvert pipe under the highway with a box culvert, and include environmental mitigation for environmental impacts and water quality treatment. The entire project is scheduled to be completed by the end of September.
Swisshome Man Charged With Assault
A Swisshome man is charged with second degree assault, strangulation and carrying a concealed weapon. 26 year old Michael Dawyne Dearman was captured by the Lane County sheriff’s department and Eugene police after fleeing into the woods. The woman he assaulted says she was attacked with a piece of cement. Dearman did not appear in the Lane County Jail courtroom on Monday to enter a plea. The incident happened on Friday.
Bond Advisory Committee Meeting
A Siuslaw School Board Bond Advisory Committee Meeting will be held at the Siuslaw School District Office, 2111 Oak Street, Florence, OR 97439 at 5:30PM on Thursday, February 7, 2019. The public is welcome to attend and observe the meeting. A quorum of the school board may be in attendance.