Reedsport Traffic Jam
If you are heading into Reedsport today be aware that there will likely be traffic delays. Dan Latham with the Oregon Department of Transportation says that recent road construction has changed the traffic pattern. A section of Highway 101 is being converted from four lanes to three. In the process of changing the road setup ODOT was not able to relocate the turn signal sensors in the roadway resulting in traffic sitting at the turn lanes with no signal support. Latham says this problem will not be able to be fixed until after Labor Day and ODOT has posted flaggers at all red lights affected by the changes. Labor Day traffic caused long delays on Friday prompting the change. Traffic is expected to be heavy again today with people returning from the long weekend.
ReVision Back to Work Tomorrow
Construction resumes tomorrow on the ReVision Florence Streetscape project. Crews will continue northward on Highway 101 this week with several side streets effected. Maple and Second Streets will be closed through Thursday of this week. Traffic is expected to be heavy with the beginning of the Siuslaw School year. The city of Florence asks for patience in the construction areas. More updates will be available later this week.
Mapleton Food Share Bingo
This weekend the Mapleton Food Share will hold their annual Back To School Bingo at the Florence Elks lodge. The event will be Saturday afternoon beginning at 4 pm. Funds raised benefit the Mapleton Food Share. This is an all ages event and kids participating will win school supplies and adults will receive cash winnings.
SOS Tournament
This Saturday is the 9th annual Siuslaw open to benefit Siuslaw Outreach services. SOS provides assistance for needy individuals and families experiencing Domestic violence, Homelessness and other forms of crisis.