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Wine and Chowder Success; President’s Day; Flu Cases Dwindle; Rhododendron Poster; TSP Open House

Old Town from Docks

Wine and Chowder Success

The 12th annual Wine Chowder and Glass Float Trail over the weekend brought in people from all over the world according to chamber president and CEO Bettina Hannigan.  Hannigan says people from as far away as Japan visited over the weekend as well as from around the United States including Texas and Tennessee.  Novelli’s was once again the overall favorite for the chowder, but she says the Laughing Crab was a close second.  Hannigan wanted to recognize the volunteers including 8 that came from Roseburg to assist.  Hannigan also credited Mitzi Hathaway the Director of Tourism and Development for the Florence Chamber for the success of the festival.  This is the second time the Wine, Chowder and Glass Float trail was held in February.  According to a report from the chamber hotels were at capacity for the weekend.

President’s Day

Presidents Day will be celebrated today with the placing of the American flags along Highway 101, a portion of Highway 126 and throughout the city.  The program is ongoing throughout the year and facilitated by the Florence Kiwanis Club.  The club places the flags during most of the Federal Holidays as a tribute and an honor to service men and women and as a show of patriotism and the city’s heritage.

Flu Cases Dwindle

The Oregon health Authority is reporting that the flu numbers for the state have flatlined. There were only 34 total cases for the state reported in last week’s update. Flu cases have been on a steady decline over the past several weeks and numbers are now mimicking the trajectory of the 2020-2021 season which was amid the pandemic.

Rhododendron Poster

The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce has released the new logo for the upcoming Rhododendron Festival in May.  The theme of Rip Roarin’ Rhodies features a classic pick-up truck surrounded by colorful rhododendrons and the Heceta Lighthouse.  The festival will be May 18 through the 21st.

TSP Open House

The City of Florence continues to host a virtual Open House for its Transportation System Plan.  The city is soliciting feedback from the public as to what the needs are over the next 20 years in Florence.  The city has set up a website for responses at  It can also be found at the city’s website


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