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Lighthouse Vandals; Helping Hands; Carnegie Hall for Siuslaw Teacher

Lighthouse Vandals

Oregon State Police are looking for persons connected with a recent act of criminal mischief at the Heceta Lighthouse and associated property.  The incident occurred at about 8:43 on June 14th and video footage show four individuals, one with a can of spray paint approaching the lighthouse and its buildings.  One of the buildings was spray painted as well as signage along the trail from the parking lot to the lighthouse.  OSP is building a case but needs more information and has released photos of the suspects in hopes someone might know one or more of the suspects.  Police says the damage could have been worse, but a person who approached the scene caused all four individuals to flee.  Estimates of the damage are between 10 and 20 thousand dollars. According to Oregon State Parks Ranger Burke Martin.


Helping Hands

Helping Hands Coalition has been working in Florence over the past 9 years with humble beginnings in a truck providing mobile services including being a source for nutrition for hundreds of families.  Rick Chilton who heads the coalition says they continue to add services with the help of partnerships like one with the Oregon Health Authority.  He says they really want to spread the news to young people on the dangers of smoking. Chilton says he wants young people and parents to know about the products available and marketed to kids including one that is highly addictive.

“And there’s also another Product out which is similar to chew, but it is in a packet, but it’s all nicotine and its synthetic.  And that’s what people are putting behind their tongue and they’re sucking on it to release the nicotine.”

He says the product is more addictive than heroin.  Chilton speaks about the dangers of smoking, vaping and other tobacco related issues as well as nutrition and the services provided by Helping Hands Coalition in the upcoming Our Town for July.

Carnegie Hall for Siuslaw Teacher

Amanda Sarles teaches music to students at Siuslaw Elementary School.  Before coming to Florence five years ago she worked on her Masters in Music at University of Oregon where she made a connection with a program involving Carnegie Hall called Link Up.

“Where the local symphony and the local elementary schools collaborate to perform an interactive concert together.”

Since then she has made annual visits to the Eugene Symphony with her students; twice with one of her students being featured on-stage.  The program collaborates with more than 100 orchestras around the world and involves more 300-thousand students.  Sarles was surprised to receive an email earlier this year with an intriguing offer.

“Hey Carnegie Hall is looking for a music teacher who has taught the curriculum and is familiar with the curriculum to come and talk about their experience, and are you available.”

Her immediate response was yes.  So Sarles spent the last week in May in New York City as the only music educator participating in a panel discussion about the Link Up program.







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