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BLM; Age-Friendly Summit; Veteran’s Day Assembly Announced; Community Bank Week

Heceta Head Lighthouse at sunset, Pacific coast, built in 1892, Oregon, USA


Bills in Congress would throw out comments for a proposed rule that would prioritize conservation and restoration on U-S Bureau of Land Management public lands. House Resolution 3397 and Senate Bill 1435 would call for the B-L-M to stop gathering and discard public input on its draft Public Lands Rule, tossing out more than 216-thousand public comments. Jamie Dawson with the Oregon chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers says these B-L-M lands are valuable for many different reasons.

“This conservation rule will just help ensure that the agency does take the steps necessary to protect fish and wildlife habitat, protect migration corridors, clean water, all of these other values that are really important.”

The proposed rule elevates conservation and restoration in the B-L-M’s multiple-use mandate for public lands. It’s received pushback from the oil and gas industry, which says it violates B-L-M’s mandate to prioritize the nation’s need for domestic minerals, including oil and gas.

Age-Friendly Summit

Supporters of efforts to make Oregon cities more livable and accessible for people of all ages are meeting this week. The Age-Friendly Oregon Summit takes place tomorrow and Wednesday in Monmouth, a town near Salem that is home to Western Oregon University. Monmouth Mayor Cecelia Koontz says the university provides a place where people of all ages can gather.

“Offering that kind of access in a really small community, I think, is a big part of helping keep people active and culturally aware of things.”

The theme for this year’s summit is “toward our shared future.” The summit will be held tomorrow and community activities will take place on Wednesday, hosted by Monmouth and the nearby town of Independence.

Veteran’s Day Assembly Announced

Siuslaw High School will once again be having their veteran’s Day assembly to honor oll of our communities veterans.  Veteran’s Day falls on Saturday this year so the assembly will be on the Thursday before on November 9th.  The students will be offering breakfast to veterans beginning at 9:30 followed by the assembly at 10:30 and an 11:30 meet and greet with students which includes lunch.  If you are a veteran and are interested in attending they ask that you RSVP so they have an accurate count for food.  Contact Cate Waggoner at 541-999-0227, you can call or text. You can also email her at

Community Bank Week

The Week of October 16th through the 20th is Community Bank Week in Oregon and Oregon Pacific Bank will be hosting various Client Appreciation Events during the week at all of its locations.  Their clients and community members will be welcome.  The roll community banks plays helps support small businesses, non-profit organizations and play a significant role in local economic development efforts.  Learn more about Community Bank Week and the events upcoming at

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