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CrowdStrike Glitch Affects Hospitals; Toxic Parasite Dangerous to Dogs; Youth Soccer Fundraising; Siuslaw Awards Sold Out

CrowdStrike Glitch Affects Hospitals

Organizations worldwide were affected by the CrowdStrike update glitch by Microsoft from airlines to hotels, to gas stations and even hospital systems.  PeaceHealth had to temporarily shut down some elective surgeries while they assessed the impact the update had affected their systems.  According to information released they were fully operational by 4pm on Friday afternoon.  During the outages PeaceHealth implemented contingency plans.  The hospital system recently underwent a simulated cyber attack drill that put some of the same systems in place that interrupted computer systems and shut down electronic communications.  While this recent event was not a cyber attack, but a software glitch, the hospital was able to put in practice some of the same skills from the drill.  According to hospital information critical patient care and access was effectively maintained during the process.

Toxic Parasite Dangerous to Dogs

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is warning individuals with pets to stay away from carcasses that have ended up on beaches.  According to ODFW several dogs have been sickened from salmon in the Newport area. They say that a parasitic flatworm that is often deadly to dogs is the culprit.  Julie Burco an ODFW veterinarian says symptoms can begin to show 5-7 days after exposure and include vomiting and diarrhea.  She says the risk generally comes in late September, but can be found anytime a carcass is on the sand.  Keeping your dogs on a leash on the beach is the best way to ensure your pet does not come in contact with the parasite.

Youth Soccer Fundraising

The Florence Youth Soccer Association is embarking on an ambitious fund-raising effort.  They’re trying to raise $35-thousand to buy a specialized piece of equipment. Erin Linton says while that may seem high, it is very much needed.

“And a lot of it is because it will help us to not spend so much time looking for volunteers to help paint the field.  That’s a real big undertaking for anyone who does it.”

Doing the lines manually can mean walking up to four miles for each field.  With five fields to stripe, that’s a lot of shoe leather.  Not only will the new sprayer speed the process, but the striping is more durable which cuts down even more on the labor.  Linton says since the association began in 2016 they have grown to the point where they have about one-third of the youth population, 8th grade and younger, signed up.  The costs of operating the league can add up, with the S-Y-S-A paying for uniforms, equipment and other supplies.

“220 soccer balls every season that are in good working order so that every kid can kick a soccer ball every time they come to practice.”

They offer two seasons each year; in the fall and spring.  She says the popularity of the sport has grown quickly.

Siuslaw Awards Sold Out

If you haven’t gotten your ticket for Thursday’s Siuslaw Awards, you waited too long.  Florence Area Chamber of Commerce President and CEO reported on Friday that the event was sold out.

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