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School Board Meetings; Planning Commission Approves Parcel Build; Digital Classes Scheduled for Siuslaw; Pioneer Museum Winter Break; Christmas Baskets; Lane County Sheriff’s Scam

School Board Meetings

The Siuslaw School Board has approved new scholarships for students who serve as student representatives to the board, with the funds to be used for future educational expenses. Two students will be appointed each year. The board voted to explore the sale of a piece of property near Heceta Head to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.  The land, currently owned by the school district, was the site of a 1900s schoolhouse. The surrounding area is owned and managed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The process will include appraisal of the land and consideration of a formal bid or offer made by the state parks department. The board also approved a request from the Siuslaw Middle School to name the main gym in the middle school in memoriam of Ethan Dougherty for his significant contribution to education at Siuslaw. Dougherty was in his 28th year at Siuslaw when he passed away suddenly on November 22. Added to January’s consent agenda were changes in policy that reflect Title IX amendments made at the federal level in August of 2024. Title IX is a federal law passed in 1972 that protects students from sexual discrimination in educational activities and programs that receive federal funding. The next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, January 8.

The Siuslaw Valley Charter School held its first official meeting with its new Head of Schools, Arturo Ruelas. The board continues to work on policy and plans to have a draft document ready for their January meeting. Ninty-four students have filed “intent to enroll” applications for the charter school, up from 87 in November. The next meeting of the Siuslaw Charter School will be Thursday, January 23.

Planning Commission Approves Parcel Build

After a nearly 2 ½ hour hearing Tuesday evening, the Florence Planning Commission granted approval of a Conditional Use Permit to add “up to 10” single family housing units on a 1.15 acre parcel on the Eastern city limits of Florence just north of Highway 126. A Conditional Use Permit for five residential units plus light commercial had been approved three years ago but the previous property owner has since sold the plot to Duman Inc.  In conjunction with L&B Development LLC, Duman hopes to build five buildings, each with two single family dwelling units and no commercial.  During the hearing and subsequent discussion, planning commissioners brought up concerns that there was no mention of a homeowner’s association; possible flooding and tsunami risk, on-site parking and; due to the topography whether the developer could actually fit 10 dwelling units on the parcel.  Planning Commission member Sandra Young summarized many of the concerns as she moved for approval.

“ I would add conditions that require the HOA, the construction of the evacuation route, at least to the property boundary.  Require the driveway to be 28 feet so there would be extra parking. So that’s kind of where I’m at.”  

None of the other commissioners present seemed in a hurry to second Young’s motion so Chair Kevin Harris did, adding:

“They have a lot of hoops to go through.  I don’t believe that they’re going to get 10 units in there but I think that will bear itself out.  With what they’re proposing, it’s their money.  It gives them an opportunity to figure stuff out and answer some of these future questions, and, we need the housing in this city.”  

The motion carried 4-1 with only Eric Hauptman voting no. It also specified the approval was for “up to” 10 units.  That would mean they would not have to seek formal approval if they had to reduce the number of homes.  The decision is open to appeal through the first week of January, Duman has one year to begin construction or ask for an extension.

Digital Classes Scheduled for Siuslaw

Siuslaw High School classes will be delivered digitally Monday, December 16, through Wednesday, December 18, due to a heating system failure affecting half the school. Principal Michael Harklerode explained the issue began Wednesday morning and was confirmed to require multiple days of repairs. Today, regular in-person classes are being held, but students are urged to dress warmly as the affected areas include elective hallways and the gym. Starting Monday, students will log into Google Classroom or Google Meets for virtual classes, with attendance expected and the regular bell schedule followed. Bridge and SHS Life Skills students will continue in-person as their classrooms are unaffected. Repairs are expected by Wednesday, December 18, while all other district schools remain on regular schedules.

Pioneer Museum Winter Break

The Siuslaw Pioneer Museum in Old Town Florence is closing on Sunday, December 15th, for the winter break. It will be closed through the end of January, during which time volunteers will perform “major” building maintenance and install new exhibits. It will reopen Wednesday, February 5th. The museum is open from noon to four each afternoon through Sunday. It is at 278 Maple Street.

Christmas Baskets

The annual Community Christmas Basket distribution is happening tomorrow.  Organized by the Florence Soroptimist Club, it is aided by many different community groups and individuals.  Volunteers will begin to transform the covered basketball courts at Siuslaw Middle School early Saturday morning into an open-air warehouse where they will assemble and hand out several hundred food boxes, each containing the ingredients for a holiday meal.  The boxes are assembled to order based on the number of people in the household.  There are no financial requirements for recipients.  Anyone seeking a food basket is asked to enter the Middle School parking lot from the north side off of 27th street.  Distribution will go from ten to one.

Lane County Sheriff’s Scam

The Lane County Sheriff’s Office is warning residents about a phone scam after a Cottage Grove-area victim lost $14,000. On December 11th, a scammer posing as a sheriff’s sergeant claimed the victim’s relative had missed court and faced arrest unless $7,000 was paid for two charges. The victim withdrew cash and followed the scammer’s instructions to pay in Bitcoin through a CoinFlip ATM. Authorities say this case is likely unsolvable due to the use of Bitcoin and VPNs. The Sheriff’s Office reminds residents they never request money over the phone or call about missed jury duty. If you suspect a scam, hang up and call 541-682-4141.

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