Siuslaw Football Camp
Siuslaw Football is having its 27th annual football camp for 1st grade – 12th grade this month. Head Coach Sam Johnson says with the recent coaching changes times and dates may be modified from previous schedules handed out during the school year. New dates and time are as follows:
1st and 2nd grade – August 12th – 15th at 3:15pm until 4:00pm, 3rd grade – 8th grade -August 12th – 15th at 4:15pm until 6:00pm. And High School players – August 12th – 16th at 7:00am until 9:00am. Camp will be on the practice field behind the high school. There will be a registration table set up as well. The cost is $10 and that includes a t shirt as supplies last.
Ems Win Out Up to All-Star Break
The Eugene Emeralds are on a hot streak as they have won the last 4 games. This weekend they hosted the Boise Hawks at PK Park. Friday and Saturday night the Ems shut out the Hawks. 5-0 on Friday and 7-0 on Saturday. Last night the Hawks managed 7 hits but stranded 6 on the bases. Eugene struck first with 2 runs in the second inning. Boise managed 1 run in the fourth, but that was all the offense they could muster. The Ems added an insurance run in the seventh for a 3-1 win. MILB is on break for the All-Star game which will be played in Boise tomorrow evening.