One just has to look at the east coast following Irene to see that even though there was way more water than anyone may have wanted… there wasn’t enough to drink in many places.
Disaster responses in many locations in Vermont included clean drinking water because many facilities and supplies had been wiped out by flooding.
That could be the case along the Central Oregon Coast following an earthquake and/or tsunami says Frank Nulty. Nulty, with the Western Lane Emergency Operations Group, says local residents will need to rely on themselves for a while after disaster strikes… and one of the most important things you can have is clean drinking water. Nulty says the rule of thumb is to have two weeks supply per person… and don’t forget your pets.
One good way to ensure that clean drinking water supply is through the use of a water filter or purifier. Preparedness officials will give one away this Saturday during their monthly “Are You Ready” workshop at Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue. This month’s workshop will provide step by step instructions on how to assemble your own “grab-and-go” kit to help get you through the first 72-hours following a disaster.
The class is free, but pre-registration is requested… you can call Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue.