City says they offered to waive rights to water service in UGB…
The Heceta Water District Commission says they’re opposed to the City of Florence taking over water service to areas in the Urban Growth Boundary. But, says city manager Bob Willoughby, a revision to Florence’s Water Master Plan several years ago assigned that duty to Heceta.
Willoughby says he doesn’t understand why the water district is raising the issue once again.
The only exception that Florence reserved was a strip of industrially zoned land along Highway 101 between Munsel Lake Road and Heceta Beach Road.
Wind causes power and traffic disruptions
Canary Road two miles east of Highway 101 is expected to remain closed until at least ten this morning as crews work to remove several downed trees near Newcombe Road. Trees blown by strong early morning winds also took out several power lines in the area.
Get our flu shot…
It’s October, the rains have started, people have moved back indoors and that means flu season is close by. Becki Ragan, Primary Care Clinic Manager at Peace Health says it’s time to get your shot.
Flu vaccine is available at many locations, but Ragan says if you already have an appointment with your primary care provider, they can update your vaccination… and your medical record immediately. She says an appointment for a shot is only a phone call away and in most cases will be paid by Medicare or private insurance.
South Coast Rail Service Restored
The first train on the Coos Bay Rail Link is expected to roll into Southport Lumber on the north spit of Coos Bay tomorrow. Just over four years ago the previous rail operator suddenly halted trains, leaving several central and south coast manufacturers without rail transportation. The International Oregon Port of Coos Bay purchased the line for $16.6-million and is just now finishing up rehabilitations to make the line useable once again.