Four-Day School Week explored…
For several months now a team of administrators, teachers and parents have been exploring the pros and cons of a possible four-day school week at local schools. Along the way, they’ve spoken with people in other communities and explored several different alternatives. This evening the Siuslaw School District Board of Directors will meet to review the findings of the group’s research.
Deena Mitchell – “Tonight we’ll actually hear the Superintendent, his take on the whole thing worked, the process and what they discovered.”
Board Chair Deena Mitchell says this evening’s special meeting will be a work session only with no formal action to be taken.
Deena Mitchell – “We won’t make a decision tonight but ultimately, I think in the February meeting, we will be making a decision about is it something we want to continue to look at? Or are we satisfied and feel like it doesn’t really work for our district?”
The public session of this evening’s meeting will start at around 7:15. Before that, a private, executive session to discuss a personnel matter will begin at 6:30. The board meets at the district office next to the Elementary school.
Trooper with Florence Ties on Admin Leave
An Oregon State Trooper, based in Florence before he was placed on administrative leave December 15th, was transported to a Salem hospital for a mental health evaluation. Police in Mt. Angel responded to reports of two possible explosive devices in that community in the early morning hours of Wednesday. Technicians determined the devices were in fact not explosives, but 29-year old Joseph P. Conklin was taken into custody.
Conklin was hired as a trooper in August 2008 where he was assigned to the Florence patrol office. He has been on leave since late last year pending an investigation in to an “internal matter related to police reports”.
Free Yard Debris Disposal
Area residents will be able to dispose of yard debris material for free this Saturday. Only material that has accumulated as a result of last week’s wind storms will be accepted; things like leaves, clippings, prunings, branches and small tree trunks less than 12-inches in diameter. They can be taken to the city’s Yard Debris Disposal site at the north end of the airport between 9 AM and 2 PM this Saturday. No stumps, root wads, dimensional lumber, rocks or demolition debris will be accepted; also no plastic materials. The city will mulch the woody debris and it will be composted and eventually used at various sites. Entrance to the dropoff point is through 27th street from Kingwood.
Thanks Firefighters
Mark Wallace says it would be a good idea to treat a firefighter to a meal tomorrow. Or maybe you could write an essay or a poem about how much you appreciate the fire service… or just say thanks. Wallace, the Oregon State Fire Marshall, says the Oregon Legislature approved a measure in 2007 establishing January 27th of each year as “Fire Service Appreciation Day”. He said local recognition in the past has included the awarding of certificates and commemorative coins, media attention, even one-on-one lunches with firefighters.
Wallace says communities have many opportunities to get involved and recognize the work and sacrifice of members of Oregon fire service.