National Boys and Girls Club Week gives a chance for an inside look
If you want to get an up close look at what’s going on behind the “blue door” at the Boys and Girls Club Teen Center, tonight is the night. The club will throw open the doors of the center at 1601 15th street from 7:30 to eight pm this evening. It’s part of National Boys and Girls Club Week. Melissa Wilcox with the Boys and Girls Club says visitors will be able to get a look at the teens’ reusable tote bag and dragon art projects as well as talk about plans for summer day camp offerings.
The Boys and Girls Club serves about 600 youth each year in the Florence area between the ages of six and eighteen. The national organization has been at it since 1860. The local club is well into its second decade of providing a ‘positive place’ for kids.
Crabbers fighting pot piracy
Crabbers on the south coast say they’re trying again to stop “pot piracy” by rogue crabbers who steal the catch of fellow fishermen. The theft of crabs from baited pots cost thousands of dollars a year. The only trouble is, it’s almost impossible to prove in court, unless a deckhand turns in a thieving captain. 37 south coast fishermen have joined in an effort with the Newport based Oregon Crabbers Protective Association to offer a $5-thousand reward for information leading to a conviction.
Fuel Prices Dip
The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline fell by three cents in Florence this week, but it still remains at an even four dollars. The Oregon average, as measured by Triple-A, dropped by two cents this week, but is still at $4.08 a gallon. The national average price dipped by the same amount to $3.90. Marie Dodds with Triple A says it appears that spring price increases may be peaking a little earlier than usual. The high prices of the season usually come around Memorial Day, but appear to be about five weeks ahead of schedule.
Quince Street Closure
Excavation for a water and sewer line project on Quince Street between the Events Center and Harbor Street begins today. That means quince will be closed during weekdays between 6:30 AM and six pm through at least the end of next week. Funded by the Florence Urban Renewal Agency, the work will provide improved utility service to portions of Old Town. Motorists are advised to take alternate routes.