Hundreds of U.S. Flags Expected to be Retired Tomorrow…
To some it’s a holiday on par with the Fourth of July: June 14th, Flag Day. It’s the annual observance of the adoption by the 2nd Continental Congress in 1777 of the first standards for displaying and caring for the flag of the United States. That designation spells out what the flag should look like; also how it should be flown; and just as importantly, how it is treated when it is no longer in a condition to be displayed.
For the past five years on Flag Day the local American Legion Post has been hosting retirement ceremonies for American Flags just down the hill from Dairy Queen on Bay Street. Post Commander Mike Bones says from the start it was very popular.
Mike Bones – “About 350 to 400 flags a year, every year that we’ve done this.”
When American Flags are retired, they’re not simply dropped in the landfill. There is a specific procedure to follow.
Mike Bones – “In the past, the first year we only had one fire pit, one retirement pit, and then we worked up to two, and then we had three and I think we’ll have four of them this year just to help expedite that a little bit.”
It’s one of the few public retirement ceremonies in the state and it draws flags from all over the central Oregon Coast. Bones said they’ll accept flags beginning at three pm tomorrow… with retirement ceremonies set to begin at four.
School Budget Discussed Again
The Siuslaw School Board is being asked this evening to make a final adoption of the budget for the coming year. Members of the Budget Committee approved their recommendations last month, but there was some division amongst board members about how much money to spend this year and whether or not additional cash reserves should be held onto for an expected shortfall in 2014. The board will also honor Karen Perry, a long time middle school teacher who is retiring. They meet at district offices beginning at 6:30 this evening.
Gas Prices Tumble in the West; Stumble in Florence
Retail gas prices on the West Coast are down dramatically this week. According to Triple-A the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded in Oregon fell by 13-cents to $4.10. There’s still a ways to go before it catches up with the national average, which fell by three cents this week to $3.54. Prices locally have ebbed slightly … with the local average actually above the Oregon average for the first time in months… it fell by only 5 cents this week and stands at $4.12.
Ruede Runs
Becky Ruede says there’s still plenty of work to be done at Dunes City.
Rebecca Ruede – “I’ve left some things on the table that are not finished and, you know, we have some momentum going for us and I think we can get a lot of things accomplished in the next biennium and I really look forward to it.”
Ruede announced this week that she will seek election in November for the Mayor’s position that she was appointed to last year when her predecessor resigned mid-term.