November 12, 2012
Honoring those who served…
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will Remember them.
Those are the words of English poet Laurence Binyon in his memorial “For the Fallen”. Written during the opening days of the War to End All Wars in 1914.
Those who served were remembered yesterday in Florence as residents turned out in force for the Seventh Annual Florence Veterans Parade. It was marshaled by Army Air Corps veteran and “centenarian for peace” Willard Conrow.
Hundreds of people lined each block of Bay Street through Old Town Florence. Prior to that, at eleven AM the Florence Elks Lodge conducted their annual memorial. Banks, schools and government offices are closed today in observance of the occasion.
Resident rattled; Police perplexed.
Police are perplexed by a rather alarming “smash and grab” burglary that occurred early Wednesday morning. Jana Metzler was getting ready for work and paused in her living room to watch the morning news when a large brick paver came crashing through her dining room window.
Jana Metzler – “When I heard the noise I turned to my right, all I could see was an arm coming through the window grabbing my purse off the table and, you know, then the person was gone.”
The arm was clad in a black glove and a camouflage jacket of some sort. She lost her purse, cell phone and other personal items. And, she admitted it was very disconcerting. Initially she was very shaken.
Jana Metzler – “To be honest with you, I was a mess. It took me all day to really calm down inside. And then I said ok, I can’t do anything about this so move on, move on. So, that’s what I’m doing.”
Florence Police Lieutenant John Pitcher said the crime is categorized as a burglary or theft. He also said they have no leads or suspects but they are actively investigating.
Community Thanksgiving
Area residents can gather together next week again during the annual Community Thanksgiving dinner at the Florence Elks Lodge. It’s organized by the Kiwanis Club with some help from Florence Food Share. From noon until 2:30 Thanksgiving Day there’ll be plenty of turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. There’s no cost to dine and any donations collected will go directly to Food Share. This will be the third year the Kiwanis have presented the dinner. River Cities Taxi will once again provide free rides in town to and from the Elks for anyone who would like to attend.