December 4, 2012
High Wind Warning to last through mid-morning…
Heavy rains and pounding winds caused some minor issues on the central coast overnight, but authorities say no real problems have been reported. The highest winds at the North Jetty of the Siuslaw came in the two o’clock hour this morning when a 69-mile an hour gust was recorded. Sustained winds between 40 and 60 miles an hour were posted through about 5:30.
Scattered power outages were reported and a lot of debris was reported on highways and side roads. A tree was reported on power lines 13 miles north of Florence early this morning, but could not be removed until power crews could disentangle it.
Just over three-quarters of an inch of rain fell in Florence overnight; more in the coast range, prompting the National Weather Service to issue a flood watch for several coastal streams, including the Siuslaw. The river gauge above Mapleton showed water levels well below minor flood stage of 18 feet at six this morning with an estimated peak of just below 16 feet possible by early tomorrow morning.
Landslide Hazard
The Oregon Department of Geology has issued an advisory warning of an increased potential for landslides and debris flows because of heavy rains over the past several days. Engineering Geologist Bill Burns said the coastal river basins at the highest risk are the Siletz and Siuslaw; with a high danger in the mid-Willamette Valley from the Mary’s and Luckiamute Rivers. Burns urges extra caution, especially when driving on roads other than main highways.
Asleep at the Wheel
A Florence area man suffered minor injuries when the car he was driving left highway 101 just south of Florence and struck a utility pole. 76-year old Charles E. Ruffin told police he was northbound and fell asleep. The pole toppled onto his car, trapping Ruffin inside… and causing a 45-minute power outage to many residents and businesses south of Florence. The crash also blocked traffic on Highway 101 for about an hour as crews untangled the lines and extricated Ruffin. He was transported to Peace Harbor Hospital where he was treated and released. Police cited him for failure to maintain a lane of travel.
Public Safety Funding
Many voices are calling for Lane County to “move beyond federal timber revenue” says Lane County Commission Chair Sid Leiken. But, he adds, he can’t ignore the economic potential of the forest. Leiken issued a statement over the weekend about additional releases from the Lane County Jail last week because of revenue losses. At least two of the inmates released Thursday were back in jail by Friday afternoon… one of those was arrested about an hour after release after allegedly robbing a bank. Leiken says reductions in the public safety system are due to an erosion that has taken place over the last several years. It cannot, he says, be blamed on uncontrollable costs, bad management or waste. The Springfield resident says no single solution will “fix” the system. He’s calling for a long term solution.