8 January 2013
First Citizen Nominees Announced
Two nominations have been announced for this year’s annual Florence Fist Citizen Award. By all accounts, the selection committee has a very tough job in front of them. Both nominees have an extensive list of contributions and accomplishments in the community.
Eric Tanikawa was nominated by the Florence Kiwanis Club; John Bartlett by Florence Rotary. Tanikawa, the business manager for Traverse PC, is a 21-year resident of Florence. He’s been active in youth and educational efforts. Sean Barrett, the President of Florence Kiwanis, says the Boys and Girls Club of Western Lane County might not exist at all if not for Tanikawa’s dedication and work.
Bartlett is the publisher of the Siuslaw News. He’s been in Florence since 2001. He’s been active in Rotary, the Chamber of Commerce and many other organizations. Bartlett has chaired the annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life the past two years.
The final selection will be announced next Wednesday night during the annual Siuslaw Awards Banquet at the Florence Events Center. Tickets for the dinner are available at the Chamber Visitor Center.
Council to Interview
Florence City Councilors will meet in a pair of two-hour sessions this week at City Hall to interview candidates for a number of open committee and commission assignments. Tomorrow, beginning at 5:30 they’ll interview Budget and Planning Commission hopefuls. Thursday night they’ll focus on Events Center Advisory Board applicants. Deliberation and final appointments will come later this month.
Get Ready
What do you do if the power goes out for a few hours? Do you worry about how long the food in your refrigerator or freezer will last? What if the power goes out for several days or even weeks? In addition to keeping perishable food from going bad… how are you going to cook? Can you keep your home warm and dry? Joan Edwards with the West Lane Emergency Operations Group says recent examples like Super Storm Sandy can highlight the challenges of dealing with day to day things without electricity. This month’s “living on shaky ground” class will focus on the simple things… safely. How to prepare and handle food; provide safe light and heat; and adequate shelter. There’s no cost for the three hour class, but preregistration is required by calling Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue.