The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce has announced the winner of the contest logo for the 107th Rhododendron Festival in 2014 – Susan Johnson, of Florence, who also designed the 2013 logo. After selecting the theme of ‘Not Our First Rhody-O!’ the Chamber received 16 different logo entries from five different contestants. Each had to meet a certain criteria to be considered which most entries did however the entry from Johnson was the logo which most impressed the Board of Directors acting as the logo committee. Board member Jenna Bartlett, who also chaired the logo contest, stated “we were really impressed with not just the clarity of the logo design itself, but the way it incorporated so many of the Florence area elements which has always been important to the Festival.”
The logo will be used on the Festival posters, apparel, pins and advertising to promote the annual community-wide festival that has run since 1908. It can be viewed on the Chamber website at