13 March 2014

No QCCF Agreement Yet
Multiple changes to more than one version of the proposed contract between the Boys and Girls Club and the School District have led to a delay in final ratification of a five-year agreement for the Quality Child Care Facility.
School Board members were initially expected to ratify a deal last night, based on a version of the agreement submitted by their legal counsel.
But, late Monday the Boys and Girls Club submitted a slightly different version that had been vetted by their attorney.
Board Chair Paul Burns suggested the delay. That was based on the lack of time for board members to review both versions, as well as hear from their attorney.
Voters Could See Competing Pot Measures
Paul Stanford, one of the nation’s leading marijuana legalization advocates, doesn’t only want Oregonians to have the right to smoke pot. He wants it written into the state constitution.
Stanford’s proposed constitutional amendment is one of several pot questions that may go to Oregon voters in November. Others are offering competing proposals for how the state would regulate and tax marijuana sales.
Legalization advocates are gearing up their campaigns after the Legislature declined to put a measure of its own on the ballot. They’ll have to gather tens of thousands of signatures by early July.
The groups behind the measures have received sizeable contributions from their backers and say they’re confident they’ll succeed.
Dunes City Council Mulls Brush Change
Dunes City Councilors will hear comments this evening on a proposed ordinance revision that would return control of all road-side brush cutting to the city’s road commission.
Property owners have been able to exclude their property from the cutting for the past ten years, but only if they maintain an annual permit and their vegetation.
Councilor Maury Sanders told officials last month the permit process is difficult to administer and property owners don’t always keep their brush away from signs, rights of way, and drainage culverts.
The Dunes City Council will hear the first reading of the ordinance, take public comment, then if councilors agree, hear the second reading and take possible action. They meet at seven pm.
Whale Watching Season
Oregon parks officials say it’s nearly prime viewing season for the annual gray whale spring migration.
Northbound whale numbers usually peak about the last week of March so March 22nd through the 29th has been designated as Spring Whale Watch Week.
That also coincides with Spring Break.
About 160 gray whales will likely pass along the coast each day during the migration’s peak; onshore whale watchers may see them spouting.
Some 18,000 gray whales travel from their breeding grounds on Mexico’s Baja coast to their summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea.