15 April 2014

Two Days of Interviews Set
Two Oregonians, three Idahoans, and one Texan are in the mix to be Florence’s next Police Chief. Six finalists out of 31 applications have been selected.
Three of the finalists are County Sheriffs, including Tom Turner of Lane County and Jeffery Isham of Polk County in Oregon. Dana Maxfield is Canyon County Sheriff in Idaho.
The three others have municipal experience, including Ron Clark, the interim Chief in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho; Former chief of the Bryan, Texas department, Peter Scheets; and the Deputy Chief of Pocatello, Idaho, Jim Peterson.
Florence City Manager Jacque Betz said the six finalists will begin two days of interviews and appearances this week.
Jacque Betz – “Thursday they will be in a interview with law enforcement assessors all day long then they will go to the community meet and greet and then Friday they will be interviewed by a set of six community members on the panel and then the department heads.”
The six will actually start the process Wednesday night when they meet privately with members of the Police Department.
Betz said she expects two top finalists to emerge from this week’s process then she will make the final selection by the end of April.
Doggone it!
Lane County dog owners who live outside incorporated areas and away from the courthouse in Eugene have now lost one excuse for not getting their dog licensed, but may have gained another.
An online portal for registering your dog for either a one, two or three year license is now available at Lane-county-dot-org. That should preclude a trip to Eugene and the County Courthouse to get that tag for Fido.
But, not all of the website is functional.
You can get a new license for your dog, but if you have questions that need to be answered… none of the links on the left side of the page are active.
That was pointed out last week to Lane County staff, but as of this morning there had been no response.
Native Plants Examined
Ah, the wonders of skunk cabbage… the quirks of pollination… and other stories about native plants on the Oregon Coast.
They will all be explained this Saturday afternoon during a guided 90-minute walk through the woods at Cape Perpetua Scenic Area.
It will be led by U.S. Forest Service Botanist Marty Stein who will begin his walk at 1:30 Saturday.
There’s no cost for the hike, but there is a day-use access fee to the center. And, space is limited. Only 15 people can go so they’re encouraging you to call ahead at 547-3289 to make sure you get on the list.
Do You Know What Day It Is?
According to the Oregon Department of Revenue, 92-percent of this year’s tax returns will be filed online. But, says Florence Post Master Lisa Herbert, that doesn’t mean business won’t be brisk today.
Lisa Herbert – “It will be a little bit busier, so, there might be a little bit of a wait. I’ve got staffing here so hopefully we’ll be able to get people through as quickly as possible.”
Just in case it may have slipped your mind, today is April 15th… tax day. If you are a last minute filer, you can wait right up until the last minute.
Lisa Herbert – “The collection boxes out front; you can put mail in there up until midnight and it will be postmarked.”
Or… you can file an extension.