9 May 2014

Long Time Senior Residence Facing Financial Challenges
The owners of the Shorewood Retirement Residences say they may be forced to “walk away” from the family owned and operated facility. In a letter to residents late last month, the owners; Sue and Steve Saubert and Karen and Jim Campbell; explained they have been operating at a severe deficit since the recession started in 2007. In the past four years, according to Sue Saubert, family members have funneled $650-thousand into the facility to help pay the mortgage.
That’s the root of the problem.
A copy of that letter can be viewed here:Shorewood (3)
Owners say the long term mortgage is held by the Oregon Department of Housing and Community Services. Interest rates are much lower now than when the loan was originally written 30-years ago. Saubert says the department has been unwilling to allow them to refinance at a lower rate and pay off the note.
If allowed to do that, according to Saubert, they would be able to continue to operate.
The owners told residents they may be forced to go into receivership if a solution is not found. A spokesperson for the agency said finding that solution is the “highest priority” and assured residents and employees there would be no disruption.
Sunshine on the Rhody-O!
The first concern of many area residents at this time in May each year is just what the weather will be like on the third weekend.
Stand by for good news…
The National Weather Service is forecasting a stable high-pressure system should remain over the central coast by the first part of next week… and sticking around through the 107th annual Rhododendron Festival next weekend.
Festival activities will begin Wednesday with the opening of the Davis Carnival. It is expected to operate under sunny skies and daytime temperatures in the 70s through next weekend.
Cal Applebee, the executive director of the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce, says entries for the May 18th Grand Floral Parade are accumulating… one highlight: nine marching bands with about 900 musicians.
Hinsdale Garden Tours Offered for Mother’s Day
A rare up-close look at a nearly century old rhododendron garden will be provided this week.
The Hinsdale Garden, four miles east of Reedsport on Highway 38 will be open Mother’s Day between 10 AM and 2 PM. The property, the former Hinsdale Homestead just east of the Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area, is owned by the Bureau of Land Management. It contains hundreds of hybrid Rhododendrons collected by the Hinsdale family over the years.
Tours are operated by the Friends of Hinsdale Gardens.
Parking is at the elk viewing area and a shuttle will take you to the garden area. There’s no cost, but organizers say donations are appreciated.
Tall Ships on the Oregon Coast
After spending nearly two weeks in Coos Bay, a pair of three-masted sailing ships are making their way up the coast this week.
The Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain are operated by the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Society. The Chieftain will make a visit to Garibaldi through the 18th before heading south again to Newport.
That’s where it will meet up with The Lady Washington, which will have been there for five days.
On-board tours will be offered beginning May 15th with sails on the harbor being offered both weekends.
One highlight of the visit will be a “battle sail”; a re-creation of a typical 18th-century naval skirmish between two ships that will take place over Memorial Day Weekend. Passengers can hitch a ride for a fee, other tours are available as well; information can be found at the society’s website.