Date: 07/02/2014 09:29 AM
AP-OR–2nd NewsMinute/253
Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Temperatures in the Pacific Northwest are expected to moderate today as a cooler maritime front pushes in from the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far in Portland, with the mercury hitting 99 degrees. The record high in Portland for July 1 was 105 degrees back in 1942.
COTTAGE GROVE, Ore. (AP) – A 16-year-old boy died as he attempted to rescue his younger brother, who had slipped on rocks near the top of Wildwood Falls near Cottage Grove yesterday afternoon. The younger boy survived. Witnesses told authorities that the older boy went into the water to save his brother and both went down a narrow chute of water. The younger boy emerged from the water but the older boy did not.
LOS ANGELES (AP) – The contract that keeps thousands of dockworkers on the job at ports from San Diego to Seattle expired yesterday afternoon, but both sides pledged to continue negotiations without a disruption in the billions of dollars of trade that crosses the West Coast waterfront. The union and maritime association acknowledge that labor peace is essential to keeping the ports competitive.
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – The Portland Meadows racetrack has ended its two-year experiment with summer racing. Oregon’s only commercial horse racing track moved to a summer schedule in 2012 and used a retro-themed advertising campaign to make huge gains in attendance. The track says food and beverage sales increased, but the new fans tended to place modest bets.
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