Date: 08/27/2014 03:59 AM
AP-OR–1st NewsMinute/263
Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press
SALEM, Ore. (AP) – The Oregon Republican Party is not recommending a “yes” vote on any of the seven measures on the ballot in November. The GOP’s State Central Committee voted to oppose five of the measures. Republicans had previously come out against a measure that would replace the party primary elections with a top-two primary.
GOLD HILL, Ore. (AP) – Four city councilors in the Jackson County city of Gold Hill have survived a recall vote over approving a license for a medical marijuana dispensary. Recall petitioners had said they should be removed for pursuing their own agenda and for allowing the Breeze Botanicals dispensary to set up shop too close to homes, parks and other community facilities.
UNDATED (AP) – Water providers in California’s Central Valley are asking a federal judge to stop releases of extra water intended to help salmon in the Klamath Basin survive the drought. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation started increasing flows into the Trinity River to prevent the spread of disease and get adult salmon in the lower Klamath River to start moving upstream. However, if the drought continues, there will be less water in the reservoir next year for irrigators.
GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) – Biologists trying to put a new GPS tracking collar on Oregon’s famous wandering wolf, OR-7, could be camping out in the southern Oregon Cascades for weeks before they are successful. The upcoming operation involves setting out leg-hold traps with padded jaws in likely locations, then checking every morning to see if a wolf has stepped into one.
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