28 August 2014

Eugene Emeralds Nearing End of Season
The Vancouver Canadians scored 14 runs on 15 hits last night and handed the Eugene Emeralds their third straight loss… 14-3 at PK Park.
The final two home games of the season for the Ems are tonight and tomorrow against the Canadians… Saturday they’ll head out on the road for their final three game series of the season against the Hops in Hillsboro.
Viking Football Pre-Season Scrimmage Set
The annual Blue and Gold football game is returning to Siuslaw this year. The popular scrimmage for the Viking Varsity was missed last year because of scheduling. The team will be divided into two squads tomorrow night at Hans Peterson Field and play two 20-minute halves.
Burgers will be on sale at about seven o’clock, according to head coach Tim Dodson. He’ll introduce the team, then give a “Quarterback Club” talk at 7:40. The first snap is set for eight pm. There is no cost to get in.