Date: 02/06/2015 03:59 AM
AP-OR–1st NewsMinute/242
Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press
ASTORIA, Ore. (AP) – A Coast Guard helicopter crew has picked up three injured crew members from a cargo ship 50 miles off the north Oregon coast and brought them to Astoria for medical treatment. A spokeswoman says the injuries included apparent chemical burns and one man had a possible broken bone. The men reportedly were injured while refueling and cleaning the ship’s holds.
EUGENE, Ore. (AP) – A Lane County public health official says that a third University of Oregon student does not have a contagious bacterial blood infection. The Register-Guard reports a spokesman says that the young woman had flu-like symptoms but tests show she does not have meningococcemia. Early symptoms can resemble flu. The two female UO students with confirmed cases of meningococcemia are both recovering.
EUGENE, Ore. (AP) – A Springfield man who set fire to an ATM in an effort to cover up illegal cash withdrawals has been sentenced to 18 months in prison. The Register-Guard reports that 33-year-old Jeremy Shorter pleaded guilty in Lane County Circuit Court. Authorities say the Dec. 29 fire caused an estimated $42,000 in damage.
SALEM, Ore. (AP) – The state parole board has decided not to release a man convicted of killing a police officer in John Day in 1992. The Oregonian reports Sidney Porter was convicted of killing Officer Frank Ward during a domestic violence call. The parole board said Porter is a danger to the community.
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