1st Oregon News Minute from the AP

Date: 05/19/2015 03:59 AM

AP-OR–1st NewsMinute/272
Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – National AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says a bad deal is worse than no deal, and urged Congress not to support fast-track legislation that would let President Barack Obama pursue a trade deal between a dozen Pacific Rim nations. Though the details of the proposed trade accord are classified, labor groups have said it will cost American jobs and hurt wages. Trumka says if it will be different than NAFTA, as supporters claim, then let the details see the light of day.

SPRINGFIELD, Ore. (AP) – A suspected drug dealer is being charged after a dog on his fourth day of duty with the Springfield Police Department found him between a couch and a wall. The Register-Guard reports police found 26-year-old Kody Hodge thanks to 23-month-old Flex.

SALEM, Ore. (AP) – Oregon growers have filed $4.85 million in liens against a Pennsylvania company they say is past due on payments for radish seed. One of them is Jim Gardner of K&J Farms in Monmouth, who said his family needs to pay people and has yet to see a penny from seed company Cover Crop Solutions. The CEO of Cover Crop Solutions told the Capital Press newspaper he is not ready to discuss the issue.

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Off-road cyclists are praising the Metro Council’s tentative plans to develop riding trails on land near Portland’s Forest Park. The Oregonian reports that the regional planning government is looking to develop both hiking and off-road cycling trails on all or some of the four rural parcels it purchased using bond money.


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