Mayor’s Conference Arrives
This evening at the Florence Event Center the City of Florence will be hosting the Oregon Mayors Conference. Visiting Mayors from across the state will converge upon Florence for their annual meeting. More than 80 mayors will be taking part in this evening’s event which will gather at 7pm. The conference continues through the 28th. coinciding the city will also be celebrating its 125th year as an incorporated city and that will be marked by a block party in old town. City Manager Erin Reynolds
“We are inviting everyone to come and celebrate for a free city-wide block party and the block party is being hosted at the interpretive center area of bay street.”
Live music and BJ’s Ice Cream will be available. The city is closing Bay Street at Laurel down to the end of the shops on the north side of the street allowing the parking area east of the bridge to remain open. The event starts at 5:30 and will continue until 9pm.
Fire Ban on State Parks Lifted
The Oregon Parks and recreation Department has issued a release saying that the ban has been lifted for campfires in coastal parks, but the release continues to say that thie ban remains in place for all beaches and “other” State properties managed by the department. In effect this changes nothing for Florence and the extreme fire conditions still remain in effect for the area covered by the Siuslaw Valley Fire District. All flames that cannot be turned off by a valve are prohibited until further notice.
School Bond Education Continues
The Siuslaw School district is still holding its planning and information meetings regarding the new School Bond that will be on the ballot. The meetings are held each Thursday evening at 5:30. This week the meeting has moved from the Siuslaw High School Library to the district offices on Oak street. Aric Sneddon a member of the Bond Advisory committee is encouraging residents to get more information about the bond and what it covers. Vetted Information is available at the schools website
“There are links on there that talk about the projects and actually spell out what each project is and there is a survey on there that we really want people to take.”
He says the survey information will then funnel back to the Advisory Board. Sneddon says not to take information from social media and that the Department of Justice in Oregon has verified the information on the website for facts and that is the best place to get details of the bond.